three.js - Transparency with SpriteNodeMaterial -

i started example have animated sprite feature spritenodematerial.

the first thing wanted have background of sprite transparent, updated .png texture add alpha channel background remains black normalblending. tried customblending many blendsrc , blenddst factors result never expected one…

my update test customblending instead of default normalblending:

walkingmantexture.premultiplyalpha = true; sprite1.material.transparent = true; //sprite1.material.alphatest = 0.5; sprite1.material.blending = three[ "customblending" ]; sprite1.material.blendsrc = three[ "onefactor" ]; sprite1.material.blenddst = three[ "oneminussrcalphafactor" ]; sprite1.material.blendequation = three.addequation; 

i don’t have problem meshbasicmaterial in normalblending, seems because of spritenodematerial. maybe depth problem transparency ?

my code:



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