
Showing posts from January, 2014

java - MySQLNonTransientConnectionException when getting player stats -

i'm storing player stats minigame in sql database , i'm getting following error while loading stats: com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.mysqlnontransientconnectionexception: no operations allowed after connection closed. [23:37:09] [server thread/warn]: @ sun.reflect.nativeconstructoraccessorimpl.newinstance0(native method) [23:37:09] [server thread/warn]: @ sun.reflect.nativeconstructoraccessorimpl.newinstance(unknown source) [23:37:09] [server thread/warn]: @ sun.reflect.delegatingconstructoraccessorimpl.newinstance(unknown source) [23:37:09] [server thread/warn]: @ java.lang.reflect.constructor.newinstance(unknown source) [23:37:09] [server thread/warn]: @ com.mysql.jdbc.util.handlenewinstance( [23:37:09] [server thread/warn]: @ com.mysql.jdbc.util.getinstance( [23:37:09] [server thread/warn]: @ com.mysql.jdbc.sqlerror.createsqlexception( [23:37:09] [server thread/warn]: @ com.mysql.jdbc.sqlerror.create

angularjs - Convert int to Sting for Restful Service to Read value that is a varchar -

i need read value varchar acadyear in database. i'm using string acadyear this public tblcoursedata readcoursedatabyacadyear(string acadyear) { using (masterentities1 entities = new masterentities1()) { tblcoursedata cust = new tblcoursedata(); cust = entities.tblcoursedatas.find(acadyear); return cust; } }) interface ` `[webinvoke(method = "get", uritemplate = "/readcoursedatabyacadyear? academicyear={acadyear}", responseformat = webmessageformat.json)] [operationcontract] tblcoursedata readcoursedatabyacadyear(string acadyear); js controller function ctrlreadcoursedatabyacadyear($scope) { $scope.submit = function () { function myfunction() { location.reload(); } //make sure change host , port match url

c# - WPF Project Icon Causes XamlParseException -

i kind of embarrassed need this, trying add icon application windows in project. steps used add image project: 1) right-click on project 2) select properties 3) select resources tab 4) click add resource existing file 5) select logo.jpg steps used select icon: 1) go .xaml in vs designer. 2) open properties tab window 3) select icon icon dropdown menu. when run code in debugger, window displayed exception thrown: '' in presentationframework.dll the use of dropdown menu in properties tab window adds following xaml window icon="pack://siteoforigin:,,,/resources/logo.jpg" edit: different post reportedly duplicate of not asking dynamically changing image , asking compiler error associated xaml code.

Using Logic Apps with HTTP header hosted under Azure API Management -

we have api exposed our customers through api management. security handled using subscription key expected in "ocp-apim-subscription-key" header. one of our methods supports polling trigger specifications, "location" , "retry-after" header in response. 1 of our customers want create logic apps, fire actions on trigger. we set http trigger provided "ocp-apim-subscription-key" header in inputs parameters. here problem. header added first request. subsequent requests using "location" url don't have "ocp-apim-subscription-key" header, rejected api management proxy. i verified header in fact missing mock api, it's on logic apps end. does have idea how resolve it?

What's the difference between different configuration formats of stylelint -

there many options config stylelint, a stylelint property in package.json .stylelintrc.json, .stylelintrc.yaml, .stylelintrc.js etc. a stylelint.config.js file is there difference when i'm deciding 1 use? official document says:"you may want use extension text editor can better interpret file, , syntax checking , highlighting."any other difference except that? thanks! stylelint uses cosmiconfig , of options mention made available through cosmiconfig. so it's more flexibility , offering personal choice stylelint users choose filename , format find suitable. each of formats supported , have no other differences different formats offering different functionality, support of stylelints configuration options out of box

php - Send email from magento2 -

i'm trying send email code in magento 2 below: $testo_email = ''; ini_set("sendmail_from", ""); $from = "sito web"; $oggetto = "richiesta di contatto da sito"; $header = "from: indirizzo sito web <>\n"; $header .= "x-mailer: il nostro php\n"; $header .= "mime-version: 1.0\n"; $header .= "content-type: text/html; charset=\"utf-8\"\n"; $header .= "content-transfer-encoding: 7bit\n\n"; if(mail('', $oggetto, $testo_email, $header)){ echo("your message has been sent successfully"); } else { print_r(error_get_last()); } i getting follow error: array ( [type] => 8 [message] => unserialize(): error @ offset 0 of 1 bytes [file] => /var/www/html/app/code/magiccart/alothemes/view/frontend/templates/themecfg.phtml [line] => 17 ) can tell me what's i'm wrong? thanks.

Simulate passing command line parameters in Node.js -

i can pass parameter node program on command line, if i'm in node, how simulate this? i want node --inspect launch node , connect chrome debugger before launching app. @ node prompt, there way require() script , pass parameter can pick process.argv?

saucelabs - ERROR The test with session id XXXX has already finished, and can't receive further commands -

i testing function feature show popup after waiting 8 mins. when tested using local browser works well. while running using saucelabs getting following error error test session id xxxx has finished, , can't receive further commands. is possible increase timeout saucelabs session 15 mins or 20 mins? note: using nightwatch.js automate end end testing.

Grok with Logstash - Invalid character -

i have following message: [thu nov 01 21:54:03 2012] [error] [client] file não not exist: /usr/local/apache2/htdocs/default/cpc that uses grok filter below: ^[(?%{day} %{month} %{monthday} %{time} %{year})]\s+([%{word:loglevel}]\s+)?%{greedydata:message} the problem in {greedydata:message} block grok parser replacing character ã � . any idea of happened? it's running on windows server.

python - Loading json dict into dataframe -

i have json dict formatted so {"cache_age_milliseconds": 0, "rows": [{"values": [["sonos_hxxpu71ty1g4hwwu2jxcj8tcku", 1483225200000, "", "*null*"], 0.3605555555555556]}, {"values": [["sonos_hxxpu71ty1g4hwwu2jxcj8tcku", 1483221600000, "", "*null*"], 0.35888888888888887]}], "columns": [{"type": "array", "label": ["household id", "__hour__", "ip", "serialnumber.config.roomtype"]}, {"type": "number", "label": "measure_value"}]} what fastest way load dataframe? i might wrong here close looking for? because can surely find less dirty way output important here. import pandas pd data = {"cache_age_milliseconds": 0, "rows": [{"values": [["sonos_hxxpu71ty1g4hwwu2jxcj8tcku", 1483225200000, "

python - Can't redirect error stream from Cython -

the sfml library i'm trying cythonize defines function below allows change errors printed (by default sfml writes error messages console when function not called): namespace sf { std::ostream& err() { static defaulterrstreambuf buffer; static std::ostream stream(&buffer); return stream; } } my simplified .pxd file above function: cdef extern 'sfml/system.hpp' namespace 'sf': ostream& cerr 'sf::err' () and .pyx module, compiles , runs fine, doesn't redirect error messages (they still printed console). cdef void set_error_handler(): cerr().rdbuf(null) # call should prevent errors appearing in console silently fails set_error_handler() i'm using msvc , linking statically c++ code. edit below example how sfml library logs errors in own code ( full source ): ... // error, failed load image err() << "failed load image \"" << filename << "\"

Python: Unable to terminate loop with different type of variable -

i have made program stores login details have entered , allows login main part of menu. working fine when data types strings, example; modea = input("etc") allow user select options entering number inputs correspond option, e.g "2", should call assigned function fulfills if modea == 2 statement, if try change string integer data type, example modea = int(input("etc")) , if enter expected input, loop never stop , continue running if entered nothing, contrary using modea = input("etc") treats string, , still accept number input , carry out assigned action, not if data type integer? i added full code here make more sense, can ignored runs intended, can't seem head around whats going on logged() function part of code attempted modea = int(input("etc")) work terminating loop when if statements fulfilled, continues on looping if null. appreciated. #import modules import time import sys import re #initialise variables error ha

task - delphi ITaskFolder.RegisterTaskDefinition not working -

i'm trying create task windows task scheduler. here's code. procedure tform1.button1click(sender: tobject); var ts: itaskservice; tf: itaskfolder; tf2: itaskfolder; td: itaskdefinition; tr: itrigger; tt: itimetrigger; at: iaction; ae: iexecaction; rt: iregisteredtask; begin coinitializeex(nil, coinit_multithreaded); cocreateinstance(clsid_taskscheduler,nil,clsctx_inproc_server,iid_itaskservice,ts); ts.connect(unassigned, unassigned, unassigned, unassigned); try tf := ts.getfolder('\myfolder'); tf2 := tf; except tf := ts.getfolder('\'); tf2 := tf.createfolder('\myfolder', unassigned); end; tf._release; td := ts.newtask(0); := 'theauthor'; tr := td.triggers.create(tttime); tr.queryinterface(iid_itimetrigger, tt); tr._release; := 'trigger1'; tt.startboundary := '2017-07-28t01:20:00'; tt.endboundary := '2027-07-28t01:20:00&

javascript - Angularjs table with JSON embedded array -

i'm struggling display this json embedded hours array on front end in simple table (timetable) days of week columns , hours in rows. if hour exists (in json), display available green color in table cell. starts "wednesday 18th" "tuesday" 24th skipping "sunday". day has 9 hours [9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17] 9am 5pm. $ = {}; $ = "available"; $ = [ { "date": "2016-05-18", "hoursavailable": [9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 17] }, { "date": "2016-05-19", "hoursavailable": [9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17] }, {

jquery - Info Box goes to to the right rather than the middle? same with picture box's -

<!doctype html> <html> <head> <link href="" rel="stylesheet"> <link href="" rel="stylesheet" </head> </head> <body> <nav class="navbar navbar-inverse navbar-static-top"> <div class="container"> <div class="navbar-header"> <a class="navbar-brand"><i class="fa fa-github-alt"></i> hairy companions</a> " </div> </div> </nav> <div class="cotainer target"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-sm-3"> <ul class="list-group"> <li class="list-group-item t

postgresql - Joining two tables - filtering in 2 separate conditions -

i have 2 tables: table 1 customer|seller currency|invoice #|invoice currency abc |usd |123 |mxp i have second table store bank accounts of customer table 2 customer | bank account | currency abc | bank1 | mxp abc | bank2 | inp abc | bank3 | usd i want join these 2 tables when creating dashboard can show following: if customer abc has bank account in currency of invoice show bank account (in case result bank1) if customer not have bank account in currency of invoice show bank account in currency of customer (in case bank3 anything else show "no valid bank account" when i'm joining tables bringing multiple can achieve this? let's call 2 tables customer_invoices , customer_accounts . you can use following query two left join s (so, if no bank account present still keep left data, , 1 group by (in case has more 1 bank account in given currency, don't show of t

ionic3 - Angular: Data callback never stops even when unsubscribe function is used -

i trying update data api using function ngoninit(){ setinterval(()=>{ this.getphonebook(); }, 1000); } getphonebook() { this.showphonebook = this.beaconprovider.getphonebookdirectories().subscribe(data => { this.infos = data; }, (err) =>{ console.log(err); }) } and trying destroy using this: ionviewdidleave(){ this.showphonebook.unsubscribe(); } ngondestroy(){ this.showphonebook.unsubscribe(); } the problem when try destroy using ngdestroy or attach ionviewdidleave() lifecycle function still calls when i'm on different page. there way achieve auto update desire angularly since concern given large transaction setinterval cause errors. if use setinterval in component need set clearinterval. myinterval: any; ngoninit(){ this.myinterval = setinterval(()=>{ this.getphonebook(); }, 1000); } ngondestroy(){ clearinterval(this.myinterval); }

javascript - SVG D Path With Numbers -

i not able figure out how make path of circle go in middle. have example on jsfiddle. basically, how make black path go in middle? path (2nd in svg tag): <div align="center"> <div class="circledraw"> <svg width="116" height="100"> <g transform="translate(58,58)"> <path d="m-44.430577700900734,37.281681361819274a58,58 0 1,1 44.43057770090073,37.28168136181928l35.23804438347299,29.568230045580812a46,46 0 1,0 -35.238044383472996,29.568230045580805z" style="fill: rgb(100, 150, 100);"> </path> <path d="m-90.430577700900734,97.281681361819274a58,58 0 0,1 -96.07604799105425,3.22779870395063l-96.54307254462923,7.939288627271193a46,46 0 0,0 -35.238044383472996,29.568230045580805z" style="fill: rgb(255, 1, 1);" width="15px" height="20px"> </path> </svg> </div> </div

node.js - .isAuthenticated() returns false even if I am logged in -

i have been working on project requires github log in , used passport-github2 npm, reason, after log in (i did console.log success message if logged in), when run .isauthenticated() returns false. set session cookie , all, , don't know what's wrong it. here code auth.js file const express = require('express'); const router = express.router(); const githubstrategy = require('passport-github2'); const passport = require('passport'); const user = require('../models/user.model'); const venue = require('../models/venue.model');'/', (req, res) => { if (req.user) { //first check see if user attending bar, if decrement venue.findoneandupdate({ id: req.body.barid, totalattending: 1, usersattending: req.user.username || req.user.displayname }, { $set: { 'totalattending': 0 } }, { new: true }, (err, venue) => { if (err) throw err;

python - Unable to insert from sqlalchemy to mysql -

i'm trying insert row table of mysql db sql alchemy, when insert , go database check data, see nothing. this code: from sqlalchemy import create_engine sqlalchemy import table, metadata sqlalchemy.sql import table, column, select, update, insert sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker engine = create_engine( "mysql://user:password@host/schema") connection = engine.connect() metadata = metadata(bind=engine) prices = table('historical_prices', metadata, autoload=true) = insert(prices) = i.values({ "date": my_date, "instrument": msg['instrument'], "open": msg['candles'][0]['openask'], "high": msg['candles'][0]['highask'], "low": msg['candles'][0]['lowask'], "close": msg['candles'][0]['closeask'], "volume": msg['candles'][0]['volume'] }) session = sessionmaker(bind=eng

javascript - simple node api request don't display any data -

look have request in server.js file var post = require('./../models/post'); //get posts app.get('/api/posts', function (req, res) { post.getposts(function (err, posts) { if(err) { throw err; } res.json(posts); }); }); and post.js model looks this: var mongoose = require('mongoose'); var postschema = mongoose.schema({ username: { type: string, required: true }, body: { type: string, required: true }, date: { type: date, default: } }); var post = module.exports = mongoose.model('post', postschema); // posts module.exports.getposts = function (callback, limit) { post.find(callback).limit(limit); }; in eye code written right not display data double check mongodb if have record there: > show dbs admin 0.000gb bookstore 0.000gb local 0.000gb ownfb 0.000gb > use ownfb switched db ownfb > show collecti

Allow a string as a key with more than MaxLength in java.util.Preferences -

in process of saving registry, trying utilize java.util.prefs.preferences.put(key,value). but, per limitation not accepting if key more 80 (max_length) characters. how overwrite behaviour? any insight

javascript - Cannot simulate click on jest test -

i'm learning react + testing jest , have component has three numeric inputs , button . it's simple calculator multiply operation only. don't worry rest of code, i'm trying simulate click performs operation (in case call mocked function shown in test) this test function setup() { const component = shallow(<multiplier />); return { component: component, button: component.find('#multiplybutton') } } describe('given multiplier instantiated', () => { it('the button perform operation should invoke click method', () => { const { button } = setup(); const handleclick = jest.fn(); button.onclick = handleclick; button.simulate('onclick'); expect(handleclick).tobecalled(); }); }); i think button.onclick assignment wrong, tried prototype , ecma6 object.assign same result, test fails. i mocked onclick button jest.fn(), once button pressed should call method

css - Change state but don't change style Reactjs -

it's weird when try change style of section changing state when user mouseover button. content of h1 tag changed style of section isn't. me on that? export class jumbotron extends component { constructor (props) { super(props) this.state = { style: { backgroundimage: 'none' } } this.handlesubjectmouseover = this.handlesubjectmouseover.bind(this) } handlesubjectmouseover (bg) { console.log(bg) this.setstate({ style: { backgroundimage: bg } }) } render () { return <section classname="jumbotron container" style= {}> <h1>{}</h1> <div classname="jumbotron-content"> <h2 style={{marginbottom: 3, margintop: 40}}>learning fun live</h2> <div style={{marginleft: 10}}>body ........</div> <div style={{marginbottom: 20, margintop: 80}}

c# - One LINQ statement that will return the answer without breaking it out -

i working on issue need counts , group by's. i've tried @ work, not able in 1 query. of course, can split out , answer, curious if can me find answer in 1 statement? below code , answer need. using system; using system.collections.generic; using system.linq; using system.web; using system.web.ui; using system.web.ui.webcontrols; namespace getcountinfo { public partial class _default : page { protected void page_load(object sender, eventargs e) { /* * * * current date be: 7/27/2017 4:00 pm * reportoutofdatecountdto answer be: patrick = count of 1 stacy = count of 2 */ } /// <summary> /// data each year nbr /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public ilist<yearnbrinfodto> getyearinfodata() { ilist<yearnbrinfodto&g

ruby on rails, devise custom signup and login -

i trying devise working rails project. customizing views. got accept , authenticate name field , email password code: in config , initializer devise file config.authentication_keys = [:name, :email] and in new session view <div class="field"> <%= f.label :name %> <% if resource.errors.has_key?(:name) %> <em><%= resource.errors[:name] %></em> <% end %><br /> <%= f.text_field :name, autocomplete: "off" %> </div> if remove authentication_key name never saves name added key authentication_keys , works however, login don't want authenticate email , work name , password and having problems in doing that i checked sign_up , works , creates new user data. let me know if got ideas, thanks if want use name login change authentication keys without email config.authentication_keys = [:name] additional code if want include email when user sign_up open ap

tensorflow - Implementing a cropping/trimming layer in a convolutional neural net in Keras? -

currently i'm doing cropping prior training model. means have make separate step when inferring isn't ideal. there tensorflow/keras implementations of cropping layer? if not, there reason 1 shouldn't part of neural net? in tensorflow, can crop tensor slicing in numpy , e.g. t_cropped = t[:,10:20,::-1,...] . information on notation can found on documentation of tf.strided_slice , in fine called slicing. if goal implemant random cropping prior feeding network, tf.random_crop dedicated tensorflow operation that.

python - Ffmpeg and OpenCv versions incompatibility -

i installed python 2.7.5 , opencv 2.4. i'm trying follow instructions of page , suggest install proper version of ffmpeg. installed following instructions of page tells user how add ffmpeg environment variables. however, sample code doesn't work. , don't know if because versions of opencv , ffmpeg incompatible 1 another. i'll leave sample code here. reading :d import numpy np import cv2 cap = cv2.videocapture('vtest.avi') while(cap.isopened()): ret, frame = gray = cv2.cvtcolor(frame, cv2.color_bgr2gray) cv2.imshow('frame',gray) if cv2.waitkey(1) & 0xff == ord('q'): break cap.release() cv2.destroyallwindows()

node.js - TypeError: Cannot read property 'createConnection' of null when trying to connect node js to mysql for a zendesk app -

i'm new node, , i'm trying create zendesk app connects mysql when user inputs value. here's code app.js. ( function() { return { events: { // framework events 'app.created':'checklocalstorage', // call 'checklocalstorage' function below // request events (none) // dom events 'keyup #input-value-id': function(event){ // user clicked 'enter'/'return' button store value in localstorage if(event.keycode === 13) { return this.processinputvalue(); } }, 'click .reset': 'resetvalue' // call 'resetvalue' function below }, checklocalstorage: function () { // in localstorage if value present 'examplestring' if ('examplestring') === null) { services.notify('localstorage value not set', 'alert', 500); // services notification this.switchto('input_va

osx - Where in the IntelliJ preferences/settings do I specify a JVM? -

on macos, can add jvm while having old versions of jvm still installed. how point intellij 2017.2 version of jvm? i can find no such setting in preferences window. preferences > build, execution, deployment – nope. preferences > build, execution, deployment > compiler – nope. preferences > build, execution, deployment > compiler > java compiler – nope. if don't have project, can access dialog sdk configuration welcome screen : configure | project defaults | project structure | sdks . however, ide ask sdk anyway when add new project, there not sense in defining beforehand.

ios - How to remove an object from other keys in a dictionary [Objective-C]? -

i have nsmutabledictionary follows: { 0 = (1,5,6); 1 = (0,2,6,7); 2 = (1,7,8); 5 = (0,6,10,11); 6 = (0,1,5,7,11,12)}; in format of {nsnumber:nsmutablearray} i want remove every 0 there in every key or keys values of '0'. way it? the expected outcome is: { 0 = (1,5,6); 1 = (2,6,7); 2 = (1,7,8); 5 = (6,10,11); 6 = (1,5,7,11,12)}; i looking elegant solution. use assuming nsmutablearray nsnumber array, key 0 removed in improvement improved nsmutabledictionary * dict = [nsmutabledictionary dictionary]; dict[@0] = [nsmutablearray arraywithobjects:@0,@10, nil]; dict[@1] = [nsmutablearray arraywithobjects:@0,@10, nil]; dict[@2] = [nsmutablearray arraywithobjects:@0,@7,@10, nil]; int valuetoremove = 0; //change value need (nsnumber * key in dict.allkeys) { if([key intvalue] == valuetoremove) {dict[key] = nil;} dict[key] = [dict[key] filteredarrayusingpredicate:[nspredicate predicatewithformat:@"intvalue != %i",valuetoremove]]; } nsl

node.js - Javascript data structure (streamed by a websocket connection) including an array where I would expect a key -

i've been receiving type of data structure below (from websocket connection) { [string: '0.01234567'] _int: { [string: '1234567'] _s: 0, _d: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7] }, _precision: 8 } this doesn't i've seen before, looks poorly build json. missing here? the information access 0.01234567 i'm quite confused way output structured. need parse string myself or there quick , painless way collect info? its not valid json looks must handle string.

php - converting excel file to pdf with phpexcel returning empty file -

i have excel file , want convert file pdf using php excel. using following code: namespace frontend\controllers; use phpexcel; use phpexcel_iofactory; use phpexcel_settings; use phpexcel_style_alignment; use yii\web\controller; class exportscontroller extends controller { public function actionindex() { $inputfile = \yii::getalias('@frontend') . '/controllers/matrix.xls'; $inputfiletype = phpexcel_iofactory::identify($inputfile); $objreader = phpexcel_iofactory::createreader($inputfiletype); $objphpexcel = $objreader->load($inputfile); $objphpexcel->setactivesheetindex(0); $rendererlibrary = 'dompdf'; $rendererlibrarypath = \yii::getalias('@frontend') . '/components/classes/phpexcel/writer/pdf/' . $rendererlibrary; $rendererlibrarypath .= '.php'; if (!phpexcel_settings::setpdfrenderer( $rendererlibrary, $rendererlibrarypa

javascript - .clone() create multiple copies -

$(document).ready(function(){ $("button").click(function(){ $("p").clone().appendto("body"); }); }); <head> <script src=""></script> </head> <body> <p>this paragraph.</p> <p>this paragraph.</p> <button>clone p elements, , append them body element</button> </body> <!doctype html> <html> <head> <script src=""></script> <script> $(document).ready(function(){ $("button").click(function(){ $("p").clone().appendto("body"); }); }); </script> </head> <body> <p>this paragraph.</p> <p>this paragraph.</p> <button>clone p elements, , append them body element</button>

cq5 - AEM dispatcher not loading the html page on first hit -

when trying access page not cached in dispatcher show entire html on screen , doesn't render page . attached image show how dom section on first load. on subsequent request able see entire pages , html,css, images, js loaded correctly. are missing configuration here. you need configure dispatcher pass through headers html page displayed correctly. html won't parsed correctly browsers if headers incorrect. this can done specifying passthrough headers in /clientheaders section. sample configuration below: /clientheaders { "referer" "user-agent" "authorization" "from" "content-type" "content-length" "accept-charset" "accept-encoding" "accept-language" "accept" "host" "cookie" } see more details. you need setup modmimeusepathinfo apache web se

.net - OutOfMemoryException in byte array for BitmapSource -

i've changed question quite bit believe more context make sense i'm trying create new bitmap dpi existing image. however outofmemoryexception on large images, when trying create byte array so private function convertbitmaptoxdpi(bitmapimage bitmapimage, newdpi integer) bitmapsource dim width integer = bitmapimage.pixelwidth dim height integer = bitmapimage.pixelheight 'value => 3456 dim stride integer = width * bitmapimage.format.bitsperpixel 'value => 110592 dim pixeldata byte() = new byte(stride * height - 1) {} ' <- exception! bitmapimage.copypixels(pixeldata, stride, 0) return bitmapsource.create(width, height, newdpi, newdpi, bitmapimage.format, nothing, pixeldata, stride) end function the method used converter change dpi of images. throws outofmemoryexception on marked line. my question if there's way i'm trying to? above works fine smaller images, image of larger size, happens

sonarqube5.6 - SQALE Plugin for Sonarqube 5.6.6 LTS -

we trying upgrade 4.5.6 5.6.6 lts. have commercial license sqale. latest version of sqale plugin 2.7 ( ) not working on 5.6.6. there version available 5.6.6? on page have looked can read compatable until version 5.4. plugin not updated anymore: replaced sonarqube quality model. can find more details here .