javascript - can add ChartRangeFilter to a Bubble Chart? -

i know if can use chartrangefilter type of chart. since data according search continue grow horizontally. , yes, have use bubbles. or else can horizontal scroll vertical axis not move.

i not know else put in post: / ask me continue ingrensando more description

google.load("visualization", "1", {    packages: ["corechart"]  });  google.setonloadcallback(drawchart);    function drawchart() {      var alarmas = new array();    alarmas[1] = 'prop1_bid';    alarmas[2] = 'prop1_ask';    alarmas[3] = 'prop2_bid';    alarmas[4] = 'prop2_ask';    alarmas[5] = 'prov1_ask_05';    alarmas[6] = 'prov1_ask_10';    alarmas[7] = 'prov1_ask_20';    alarmas[8] = 'prov1_ask_60';    alarmas[9] = 'prov1_ask_x';    alarmas[10] = 'prov1_bid_05';    alarmas[11] = 'prov1_bid_10';    alarmas[12] = 'prov1_bid_20';    alarmas[13] = 'prov1_bid_60';    alarmas[14] = 'prov1_bid_x';    alarmas[15] = 'prov2_bid';    alarmas[16] = 'prov2_ask';    alarmas[17] = 'prov3';    alarmas[18] = 'opev1_05';    alarmas[19] = 'opev1_10';    alarmas[20] = 'opev1_20';    alarmas[21] = 'opev1_60';    alarmas[22] = 'opev1_x';    alarmas[23] = 'opev2';    alarmas[24] = 'opev3_01';    alarmas[25] = 'opev3_05';    alarmas[26] = 'opev3_10';    alarmas[27] = 'opev3_20';    alarmas[27] = 'opev3_60';    alarmas[28] = 'opev3_x';    alarmas[29] = 'opep1';    alarmas[30] = 'opep2_01';    alarmas[31] = 'opep2_05';    alarmas[32] = 'opep2_10';    alarmas[33] = 'opep2_20';    alarmas[34] = 'opep2_60';    alarmas[35] = 'opep2_x';    alarmas[36] = 'opep3_05';    alarmas[37] = 'opep3_10';    alarmas[38] = 'opep3_20';    alarmas[39] = 'opep3_60';    alarmas[40] = 'opep3_x';    alarmas[41] = 'aa1';    alarmas[42] = 'aa2_05';    alarmas[43] = 'aa2_10';    alarmas[44] = 'aa2_20';    alarmas[45] = 'aa2_60';    alarmas[46] = 'aa2_x';    alarmas[47] = 'aa3_05';    alarmas[48] = 'aa3_10';    alarmas[49] = 'aa3_20';    alarmas[50] = 'aa3_60';    alarmas[51] = 'aa3_x';      var valores = new array();    valores[1] = 'bvn';    valores[2] = 'ltotalc1';    valores[3] = 'luisai1';    valores[4] = 'corarei1';    valores[5] = 'corarec1';    valores[6] = 'continc1';    valores[7] = 'milenic1';    valores[8] = 'orcl';    valores[9] = 'yhoo';    valores[10] = 'cofiinc1';        var options = {      title: 'valor / alarma grid',      coloraxis: {        colors: ['#67dc41', '#fdff66', '#ff7373']      },      tooltip: {        trigger: 'none'      },      sizeaxis: {        maxsize: 30,        minsize: 2      },      bubble: {        textstyle: {          fontsize: 14,          fontname: 'times-roman',          color: 'white',          bold: true,          italic: true,          auracolor: 'none'        },        opacity: 1      },      haxis: {        slantedtext: true,        slantedtextangle: 90,        viewwindowmode: 'explicit',        viewwindow: {          max: alarmas.length,          min: 0,        },        gridlines: {          count: alarmas.length,          color: 'rgb(227, 225, 225)',        },        textstyle: {          fontsize: 12        },        ticks: [{            v: 1,            f: 'prop1_bid'          },          {            v: 2,            f: 'prop1_ask'          },          {            v: 3,            f: 'prop2_bid'          },          {            v: 4,            f: 'prop2_ask'          },          {            v: 5,            f: 'prov1_ask_05'          },          {            v: 6,            f: 'prov1_ask_10'          },          {            v: 7,            f: 'prov1_ask_20'          },          {            v: 8,            f: 'prov1_ask_60'          },          {            v: 9,            f: 'prov1_ask_x'          },          {            v: 10,            f: 'prov1_bid_05'          },          {            v: 11,            f: 'prov1_bid_10'          },          {            v: 12,            f: 'prov1_bid_20'          },          {            v: 13,            f: 'prov1_bid_60'          },          {            v: 14,            f: 'prov1_bid_x'          },          {            v: 15,            f: 'prov2_bid'          },          {            v: 16,            f: 'prov2_ask'          },          {            v: 17,            f: 'prov3'          },          {            v: 18,            f: 'opev1_05'          },          {            v: 19,            f: 'opev1_10'          },          {            v: 20,            f: 'opev1_20'          },          {            v: 21,            f: 'opev1_60'          },          {            v: 22,            f: 'opev1_x'          },          {            v: 23,            f: 'opev2'          },          {            v: 24,            f: 'opev3_01'          },          {            v: 25,            f: 'opev3_05'          },          {            v: 26,            f: 'opev3_10'          },          {            v: 27,            f: 'opev3_20'          },          {            v: 27,            f: 'opev3_60'          },          {            v: 28,            f: 'opev3_x'          },          {            v: 29,            f: 'opep1'          },          {            v: 30,            f: 'opep2_01'          },          {            v: 31,            f: 'opep2_05'          },          {            v: 32,            f: 'opep2_10'          },          {            v: 33,            f: 'opep2_20'          },          {            v: 34,            f: 'opep2_60'          },          {            v: 35,            f: 'opep2_x'          },          {            v: 36,            f: 'opep3_05'          },          {            v: 37,            f: 'opep3_10'          },          {            v: 38,            f: 'opep3_20'          },          {            v: 39,            f: 'opep3_60'          },          {            v: 40,            f: 'opep3_x'          },          {            v: 41,            f: 'aa1'          },          {            v: 42,            f: 'aa2_05'          },          {            v: 43,            f: 'aa2_10'          },          {            v: 44,            f: 'aa2_20'          },          {            v: 45,            f: 'aa2_60'          },          {            v: 46,            f: 'aa2_x'          },          {            v: 47,            f: 'aa3_05'          },          {            v: 48,            f: 'aa3_10'          },          {            v: 49,            f: 'aa3_20'          },          {            v: 50,            f: 'aa3_60'          },          {            v: 51,            f: 'aa3_x'          }        ]      },        vaxis: {        viewwindowmode: 'explicit',        viewwindow: {          max: valores.length,          min: 0,        },        gridlines: {          count: valores.length,          color: 'rgb(227, 225, 225)',        },        textstyle: {          fontsize: 12        },        ticks: [{            v: 1,            f: 'bvn'          },          {            v: 2,            f: 'ltotalc1'          },          {            v: 3,            f: 'luisai1'          },          {            v: 4,            f: 'corarei1'          },          {            v: 5,            f: 'corarec1'          },          {            v: 6,            f: 'continc1'          },          {            v: 7,            f: 'milenic1'          },          {            v: 8,            f: 'orcl'          },          {            v: 9,            f: 'yhoo'          },          {            v: 10,            f: 'cofiinc1'          }        ]      },      'width': 3900,      'height': 1000    };      //dtd    var customer_product_grid_data_table = new google.visualization.datatable();    customer_product_grid_data_table.addcolumn('string', 'alarma & valor');    customer_product_grid_data_table.addcolumn('number', 'alarma');    customer_product_grid_data_table.addcolumn('number', 'valor');    customer_product_grid_data_table.addcolumn('number', 'nivel de alerta');    customer_product_grid_data_table.addcolumn('number', 'cantidad de alarmas');    customer_product_grid_data_table.addcolumn('date', 'fecha inicio');    customer_product_grid_data_table.addcolumn('date', 'fecha termino');          (var j = 1; j < valores.length; j++)      (var = 1; < alarmas.length; i++) {        var variable1 = math.round(math.random() * (10 - 1) + 1);        customer_product_grid_data_table.addrow([          '' + variable1, i, j, variable1, variable1, new date(2016, 06, 1), new date(2016, 06, 30)        ]);      }              var chart = new google.visualization.bubblechart(document.getelementbyid('chart_div'));    chart.draw(customer_product_grid_data_table, options);        }
<html>    <head>    <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>    <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>    <script src=""></script>      <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>  </head>    <body>    <div id="chart_div"></div>      <div id="piechart" style="overflow-y: auto;white-space: nowrap; min-height:1200px;"></div>    </body>    </html>

you can bind chartrangefilter type of chart,
filter works off data table anyway...

the column filtered needs represent continuous axis,
data type must --> 'number', 'date', 'timeofday', etc...
can't --> 'string'

since bubblechart requires 'string' first column,
use chartview option on chartrangefilter,
specify data table columns should know about...

var control = new google.visualization.controlwrapper({   controltype: 'chartrangefilter',   containerid: 'control',   options: {     filtercolumnindex: 1,  // <-- x-axis column     ui: {       charttype: 'scatterchart',       chartview: {         columns: [1, 2]  // <-- limit columns data table       },       chartoptions: {         width: 3900       }     }   } }); 

see following working snippet...

google.charts.load('current', {    callback: drawchart,    packages: ['corechart', 'controls']  });    function drawchart() {      var alarmas = new array();    alarmas[1] = 'prop1_bid';    alarmas[2] = 'prop1_ask';    alarmas[3] = 'prop2_bid';    alarmas[4] = 'prop2_ask';    alarmas[5] = 'prov1_ask_05';    alarmas[6] = 'prov1_ask_10';    alarmas[7] = 'prov1_ask_20';    alarmas[8] = 'prov1_ask_60';    alarmas[9] = 'prov1_ask_x';    alarmas[10] = 'prov1_bid_05';    alarmas[11] = 'prov1_bid_10';    alarmas[12] = 'prov1_bid_20';    alarmas[13] = 'prov1_bid_60';    alarmas[14] = 'prov1_bid_x';    alarmas[15] = 'prov2_bid';    alarmas[16] = 'prov2_ask';    alarmas[17] = 'prov3';    alarmas[18] = 'opev1_05';    alarmas[19] = 'opev1_10';    alarmas[20] = 'opev1_20';    alarmas[21] = 'opev1_60';    alarmas[22] = 'opev1_x';    alarmas[23] = 'opev2';    alarmas[24] = 'opev3_01';    alarmas[25] = 'opev3_05';    alarmas[26] = 'opev3_10';    alarmas[27] = 'opev3_20';    alarmas[27] = 'opev3_60';    alarmas[28] = 'opev3_x';    alarmas[29] = 'opep1';    alarmas[30] = 'opep2_01';    alarmas[31] = 'opep2_05';    alarmas[32] = 'opep2_10';    alarmas[33] = 'opep2_20';    alarmas[34] = 'opep2_60';    alarmas[35] = 'opep2_x';    alarmas[36] = 'opep3_05';    alarmas[37] = 'opep3_10';    alarmas[38] = 'opep3_20';    alarmas[39] = 'opep3_60';    alarmas[40] = 'opep3_x';    alarmas[41] = 'aa1';    alarmas[42] = 'aa2_05';    alarmas[43] = 'aa2_10';    alarmas[44] = 'aa2_20';    alarmas[45] = 'aa2_60';    alarmas[46] = 'aa2_x';    alarmas[47] = 'aa3_05';    alarmas[48] = 'aa3_10';    alarmas[49] = 'aa3_20';    alarmas[50] = 'aa3_60';    alarmas[51] = 'aa3_x';      var valores = new array();    valores[1] = 'bvn';    valores[2] = 'ltotalc1';    valores[3] = 'luisai1';    valores[4] = 'corarei1';    valores[5] = 'corarec1';    valores[6] = 'continc1';    valores[7] = 'milenic1';    valores[8] = 'orcl';    valores[9] = 'yhoo';    valores[10] = 'cofiinc1';        var options = {      title: 'valor / alarma grid',      coloraxis: {        colors: ['#67dc41', '#fdff66', '#ff7373']      },      tooltip: {        trigger: 'none'      },      sizeaxis: {        maxsize: 30,        minsize: 2      },      bubble: {        textstyle: {          fontsize: 14,          fontname: 'times-roman',          color: 'white',          bold: true,          italic: true,          auracolor: 'none'        },        opacity: 1      },      haxis: {        slantedtext: true,        slantedtextangle: 90,        viewwindowmode: 'explicit',        viewwindow: {          max: alarmas.length,          min: 0,        },        gridlines: {          count: alarmas.length,          color: 'rgb(227, 225, 225)',        },        textstyle: {          fontsize: 12        },        ticks: [{            v: 1,            f: 'prop1_bid'          },          {            v: 2,            f: 'prop1_ask'          },          {            v: 3,            f: 'prop2_bid'          },          {            v: 4,            f: 'prop2_ask'          },          {            v: 5,            f: 'prov1_ask_05'          },          {            v: 6,            f: 'prov1_ask_10'          },          {            v: 7,            f: 'prov1_ask_20'          },          {            v: 8,            f: 'prov1_ask_60'          },          {            v: 9,            f: 'prov1_ask_x'          },          {            v: 10,            f: 'prov1_bid_05'          },          {            v: 11,            f: 'prov1_bid_10'          },          {            v: 12,            f: 'prov1_bid_20'          },          {            v: 13,            f: 'prov1_bid_60'          },          {            v: 14,            f: 'prov1_bid_x'          },          {            v: 15,            f: 'prov2_bid'          },          {            v: 16,            f: 'prov2_ask'          },          {            v: 17,            f: 'prov3'          },          {            v: 18,            f: 'opev1_05'          },          {            v: 19,            f: 'opev1_10'          },          {            v: 20,            f: 'opev1_20'          },          {            v: 21,            f: 'opev1_60'          },          {            v: 22,            f: 'opev1_x'          },          {            v: 23,            f: 'opev2'          },          {            v: 24,            f: 'opev3_01'          },          {            v: 25,            f: 'opev3_05'          },          {            v: 26,            f: 'opev3_10'          },          {            v: 27,            f: 'opev3_20'          },          {            v: 27,            f: 'opev3_60'          },          {            v: 28,            f: 'opev3_x'          },          {            v: 29,            f: 'opep1'          },          {            v: 30,            f: 'opep2_01'          },          {            v: 31,            f: 'opep2_05'          },          {            v: 32,            f: 'opep2_10'          },          {            v: 33,            f: 'opep2_20'          },          {            v: 34,            f: 'opep2_60'          },          {            v: 35,            f: 'opep2_x'          },          {            v: 36,            f: 'opep3_05'          },          {            v: 37,            f: 'opep3_10'          },          {            v: 38,            f: 'opep3_20'          },          {            v: 39,            f: 'opep3_60'          },          {            v: 40,            f: 'opep3_x'          },          {            v: 41,            f: 'aa1'          },          {            v: 42,            f: 'aa2_05'          },          {            v: 43,            f: 'aa2_10'          },          {            v: 44,            f: 'aa2_20'          },          {            v: 45,            f: 'aa2_60'          },          {            v: 46,            f: 'aa2_x'          },          {            v: 47,            f: 'aa3_05'          },          {            v: 48,            f: 'aa3_10'          },          {            v: 49,            f: 'aa3_20'          },          {            v: 50,            f: 'aa3_60'          },          {            v: 51,            f: 'aa3_x'          }        ]      },        vaxis: {        viewwindowmode: 'explicit',        viewwindow: {          max: valores.length,          min: 0,        },        gridlines: {          count: valores.length,          color: 'rgb(227, 225, 225)',        },        textstyle: {          fontsize: 12        },        ticks: [{            v: 1,            f: 'bvn'          },          {            v: 2,            f: 'ltotalc1'          },          {            v: 3,            f: 'luisai1'          },          {            v: 4,            f: 'corarei1'          },          {            v: 5,            f: 'corarec1'          },          {            v: 6,            f: 'continc1'          },          {            v: 7,            f: 'milenic1'          },          {            v: 8,            f: 'orcl'          },          {            v: 9,            f: 'yhoo'          },          {            v: 10,            f: 'cofiinc1'          }        ]      },      'width': 3900,      'height': 1000    };      //dtd    var customer_product_grid_data_table = new google.visualization.datatable();    customer_product_grid_data_table.addcolumn('string', 'alarma & valor');    customer_product_grid_data_table.addcolumn('number', 'alarma');    customer_product_grid_data_table.addcolumn('number', 'valor');    customer_product_grid_data_table.addcolumn('number', 'nivel de alerta');    customer_product_grid_data_table.addcolumn('number', 'cantidad de alarmas');    customer_product_grid_data_table.addcolumn('date', 'fecha inicio');    customer_product_grid_data_table.addcolumn('date', 'fecha termino');          (var j = 1; j < valores.length; j++)      (var = 1; < alarmas.length; i++) {        var variable1 = math.round(math.random() * (10 - 1) + 1);        customer_product_grid_data_table.addrow([          '' + variable1, i, j, variable1, variable1, new date(2016, 06, 1), new date(2016, 06, 30)        ]);      }        var dashboard = new google.visualization.dashboard(      document.getelementbyid('dashboard')    );      var chart = new google.visualization.chartwrapper({      charttype: 'bubblechart',      containerid: 'chart',      options: options    });      var control = new google.visualization.controlwrapper({      controltype: 'chartrangefilter',      containerid: 'control',      options: {        filtercolumnindex: 1,        ui: {          charttype: 'scatterchart',          chartview: {            columns: [1, 2]          },          chartoptions: {            width: 3900          }        }      }    });      dashboard.bind(control, chart);    dashboard.draw(customer_product_grid_data_table);  }
<script src=""></script>  <div id="dashboard">    <div id="chart"></div>    <div id="control"></div>  </div>


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