vue.js - Create hooks for automated testing -

qa guys complained can't automate frontend testing. because our html looks same outside. lazy hack did this

<template>     <div :role="$">         ...     </div> </template>  <script> export default {   name: 'vmcomponentname' } </script> 

which takes name script , applies html. in browser get:

<div role="vmcomponentname">      ... </div> 

line :role="$" goes in every component.

is there dryer solutions? please share.

additional details

i'll explain in details looking for.

imagine have vmusercreate form creates user. test case can create user.

to automatically test without role, have use following selector:

.wrapper > .wrapper > .wrapper > .submit-button

the test extremely brittle (will break lot).

if use roles can use [role="vmusercreateform"] .submit-button selector. many folds less brittle.

so basically, i'm looking sort of template inheritance. every component attach role automatically. because have hundreds of components , pasting $ every of them meh.

case html

new vue({    el: '#app',    components: {      c1: {        name: 'vmuserexplorer',         template: '<div class="wrapper" :role="$"><slot></slot></div>'      },      c2: {        name: 'vmuserlist',         template: '<div class="wrapper" :role="$"><slot></slot></div>'      },      c3: {        name: 'vmusercreateform',         template: '<div class="wrapper" :role="$"><slot></slot></div>'      },    }  });
[role="somerole"] {    background-color: lightblue;  }  .wrapper {    padding: 10px;    border: 2px solid lightblue;  }
<script src="//"></script>  <div id="app">    <c-1>      <c-2>        <c-3>          <button class="button submit-button">submit</button>        </c-3>      </c-2>    </c-1>  </div>

if i'm understanding correctly, want globally add `role="$" root element of every component?

if so, think can away global mixin on mounted lifecycle hook.

for example, this:

vue.mixin({   mounted () {     if (this.$el.setattribute && this.$ {       this.$el.setattribute('role', this.$     }   }, }) 


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