
Showing posts from July, 2012

User Story - Database design -

i need build product have database on end store , retrieve data. i started gathering user stories stakeholders , stuck... if have project leader has 1 user story like: "as project leader, want able see , modify scope of project make sure project date" this user story require had created database , have table before having data in table. should collect user stories , add database component on acceptance criteria? should create user stories end , front end? i'm not sure how separate or make them work together. the idea behind scrum architecture / design emerge develop. in mind still need product backlog reflect product be. somewhere in backlog there should user story like... "as user, want application can use manage projects". story rather large (epic) level. has broken out smaller stories (like "... application must have ability x"). if indeed user story, sub epic (still large needs breaking out) story be... "as applicatio

python - cx_Oracle: Using PL/SQL RECORD types as arguments to stored procedures -

i'm attempting call ap_vendor_pub_pkg.create_vendor cx_oracle (this oracle r12 stored procedure) requires argument predefined pl/sql record type. (ap_vendor_pub_pkg.r_vendor_rec_type) here's python code: connection = cx_oracle.connect(...) cursor = connection.cursor() obj = cursor.var(cx_oracle.object, typename='ap_vendor_pub_pkg.r_vendor_rec_type') result = cursor.callproc('ap_vendor_pub_pkg.create_vendor', parameters=["1.0", "t", "t", "fnd_api.g_valid_level_full", obj]) this results in following exception: cx_oracle.interfaceerror: object type not associated bind variable what doing wrong? how call stored procedure requries record type? i have been able past problem using type_obj = connection.gettype('ap_vendor_pub_pkg_r_vendor_re') obj = type_obj.newobject() note

javascript - What does APK file do? -

this question has answer here: what inside android apk file 3 answers i have made few apps android in html , javascript , when convert apk file, put on mobile phone installs real app. happens app made in java when extract too... according answers of question what inside android apk file seems me unzips project. questions are: what apk file do?(how work) is possible programmatically create 1 without using other programmes or using notepad only i'm looking forward answers :) an apk zip file contain encoded manifest (xml), code binary (dex), images (png, gif) , layout (xml) resources, , few other misc things. yes can produce package hand far easier use available development tool it.

javascript - How to save canvas background image to Json separately from other objects -

i want save objects on canvas , image under other objects db. , can objects on canvas: var jsontophp= json.stringify(canvas.toobject(['id','name','selectable'])); but when want use 2 json variables; 1 background image: , other other objects on canvas.... in big trouble. i have 2 columns in db. want send background image 1 , other objects other column. might edit background when wish. i trying different solutions 10 days now. , .... can not find way. have lot of code, and.... better, if start nothing. ////////////// update1 function getbackgroundimagef(){ //////////////////////////////////// jsgetbackground var fromselectproject=document.getelementbyid("selectproject").value; $.ajax({ method:"post", url: '/wp-content/themes/myp/pgetjson.php', data: { "getbackgroundimage":1, "whichproject":fromselectproject }, datatype: "text", succe

windows - Batch counter not increasing -

code self explanatory. have tried commands in commented lines equal results. last lines test of incremental assignment , evidence enabledelayedexpansion works. fault must lie within loop. @echo off setlocal enabledelayedexpansion set count_k=5 /l %%a in (1,1,5) ( rem set a/ count_k+=1 rem set a/ "count_k+=1" set a/ count_k=count_k+1 echo count_k per %count_k% echo count_k exc !count_k! ) echo after loop count_k %count_k% set _var=first set _var=second & echo %_var% !_var! set count = 0 ( set /a count+=1 echo %count% fails echo !count! works ) this output of above batch file: this count_k per 5 count_k exc 5 count_k per 5 count_k exc 5 count_k per 5 count_k exc 5 count_k per 5 count_k exc 5 count_k per 5 count_k exc 5 after loop count_k 5 first second fails 1 works i have never seen "a/" parameter "set" command before. sure not intended "/a", hosing results , code? i hate hand out fish instead of t

Python 3.6 tkinter window icon on Linux error -

i studying python gui python gui programming cookbook. task requires me change window icon adding following code recipe: # change main windows icon win.iconbitmap(r'c:\python34\dlls\pyc.ico') since using linux, have change path /home/user/test.ico . after reading similar questions, got know .ico windows only. tried .gif doesn't work either. existing articles tried: tkinter tclerror: error reading bitmap file setting application icon in python tk base application (on ubuntu) tkinter.tclerror: image "pyimage3" doesn't exist all 3 of these unhelpful. got following error each: in [3]: runfile('/home/bhedia/', wdir='/home/bhedia') traceback (most recent call last): file "<ipython-input-3-17a671578909>", line 1, in <module> runfile('/home/bhedia/', wdir='/home/bhedia') file "/home/bhedia/anaconda3/envs/mitx/lib/python3.5/site-packages/spyder/utils/site/sitecu

c++ - How to get full cxx -std= flag inside CMAKE? -

how can full option string "-std=..." after set(cmake_cxx_standard 17) ? string flag must obtained inside cmakelists.txt. "$(cxx_flags)" (round brackets important) contains "-std=..." flag , expand inside makefile.

c - How do I get sin6_addr from an addrinfo? -

my addrinfo pointer looks this- struct addrinfo hint, *res = null; i call addrinfo. hint.ai_family = af_unspec; ret = getaddrinfo(curhost, null, &hint, &res); curhost character array. doing saddrv6.sin6_addr=*(res->ai_addr).sin6_addr is giving me error says request member 'sin6_addr' in not structure or union . saddrv6 sockaddr_in6 struct. way fill sin6_addr info have in res? new c programming here . the specific error you're getting because in: *(res->ai_addr).sin6_addr the . operator binds more tightly * . change to: (*res->ai_addr).sin6_addr which meant, better way use -> operator: res->ai_addr->sin6_addr however, still doesn't work because ai_addr has useless opaque type struct sockaddr * , not struct sockaddr_in6 * . fix need cast pointer type points to: ((struct sockaddr_in6 *)res->ai_addr)->sin6_addr at point code should work. however, ai_addr member of struct addrinfo not meant

Process two data sources successively in Apache Flink -

i'd batch process 2 files apache flink, 1 after other. for concrete example: suppose want assign index each line, such lines second file follow first. instead of doing so, following code interleaves lines in 2 files: val env = executionenvironment.getexecutionenvironment val text1 = env.readtextfile("/path/to/file1") val text2 = env.readtextfile("/path/to/file2") val union = text1.union(text2).flatmap { ... } i want make sure of text1 sent through flatmap operator first, , then of text2 . recommended way so? thanks in advance help. dataset.union() not provide order guarantees across inputs. records same input partition remain in order merged records other input. but there more fundamental problem. flink parallel data processor. when processing data in parallel, global order cannot preserved. example, when flink reads files in parallel, tries split these files , process each split independently. splits handed out without particular or

Simple Schema populate default value from collection -

how possible populate simple schema's default value call collection in meteor js instead of defining "tests" within defaultvalue below? if possible have defaultvalue return testlist = new mongo.collection('testlist'). studentschema = new simpleschema({ tests: { type: [object], blackbox: true, optional: true, defaultvalue:[ { "_id" : "t2yfqwj3a5rqz64wn", "category_id" : "5", "active" : "true", "category" : "cognitive/intelligence", "abbr" : "wj-iv cog", "name" : "woodcock-johnson iv, tests of cognitive abilities", "publisher" : "riverside publishing" }, { "_id" : "ai8bt6dlygqrdfvke", "category_id" : "5", "active" : "true", "category" : "cognitive

jquery - How to get localized terms from attributes with directives -

i using library pascal precht localize application. created directive should localized terms attributes placed in button this: <button type="submit" ng-click="savedepartment(department)" ng-messages ng-success="{{'successful'|translate}}" ng-failure="{{'failure'|translate}}"> {{'save'|translate}} </button> this directive module.directive('ngmessages', function() { return { restrict: 'a', scope: { ngsuccess:"=", ngfailure:"=" }, link: function(scope, element, attr) { var success = attr.ngsuccess; var failure = attr.ngfailure; scope.$watch(function(){ scope.ngsuccess = success, scope.ngfailure = failure }); } }; }); this controller button module.controller('departmentcontroller', function($scope, depart

ssh - Jenkins Slave Offline Node Connection timed out / closed - Docker container - Relaunch step - Configuration is picking Old Port -

jenkins version: 1.643.2 docker plugin version: 0.16.0 in jenkins environment, have jenkins master 2-5 slave node servers (slave1, slave2, slave3). each of these slaves configured in jenkins global configuration using docker plugin. everything working @ minute. i saw our monitoring system throwing alerts high swap space usage on slave3 (for ex ip: ssh'ed machine , ran: sudo docker ps gave me valid output running docker containers on slave3 machine. by running ps -eo pmem,pcpu,vsize,pid,cmd | sort -k 1 -nr | head -10 on target slave's machine (where 4 containers running), found top 5 processes eating ram java -jar slave.jar running inside each container. thought why not restart shit , recoup memory back. in following output, see state of sudo docker ps command before , after docker restart <container_instance> step. scroll right, you'll notice in 2nd line container id ending ...0a02 , virtual port (listed under heading names ) on h

mobirise - Add block parameters to custom html block -

so in mobirise 4.0.15 have noticed supplied template blocks have "block parameters" enabled, custom html blocks not. looking @ source, can see parameter properties flow sass defined within <mbr-parameters> . however copy , pasting <mbr-parameters> custom html block not enable "block parameters" reason. so how can enable block parameters custom html block? i've noticed if add 1 of supplied templates , replace own custom html, block parameters remain enabled allow me write own custom block parameters pretty cool. i have contacted devs asking if whether there better approach workaround, @ least achieve desired results in meantime (i update post once have reply). an example: <mbr-parameters> <!-- block parameters controls (blue "gear" panel) --> <input inline type="range" title="margin top" name="margintop" min="0" max="8" step="1" value=&q

.net - Try...Catch...Finally - can "ex" tell you where the exception happened? -

in following: try code, throws exception catch ex exception debug.print(ex.[some property contains exception location] end try are there properties of ex variable can tell line or procedure in exception occurred? i'm using it sounds need ex.stacktrace or ex.targetsite i've used these properties myself in c# should same across .net.

html - I couldn't figure out the table markup for this table -

i have tried layout table using rowspan , colspan last 2 hours , couldn't figure out, see if can solve puzzle. here pen can see working solution: codepen i added color make visible. construct table, here how did it: first, have 4 rows. in first one, have 4 cells, because start @ top. one cell starts in second row, so, add 1 cell in second row. one cell starts in third row, add 1 cell in third row. one cell starts in last row, add 1 cell in last row. then, need add rowspan="" accordingly scheme. table { width:100%; height: 400px; } tr:nth-child(1) td:nth-child(1){ background: #cceeee; } tr:nth-child(1) td:nth-child(2){ background: #eeccee; } tr:nth-child(2) td:nth-child(1){ background: #eecccc; } tr:nth-child(1) td:nth-child(3){ background: #ccccee; } tr:nth-child(3) td:nth-child(1){ background: #eeccee; } tr:nth-child(4) td:nth-child(1){ background: #eeccee; } tr:nth-child(1) td:nth-child(4){ ba

node.js - Is there way to indicate architecture (32 or 64 bit) when configuring node js in azure? -

i know azure web sites/app respects following element in package.json in node js application configuring host node , desired npm: "engines": { "node": "6.11.1", "npm": "4.6.1" } is there way indicate require either 32-bit or 64-bit version of node hosting in azure web apps? the node.js (npm) package.json file has cpu property should achieve you're looking for. from npmjs package docs - cpu if code runs on cpu architectures, can specify ones. "cpu" : [ "x64", "ia32" ] os option, can blacklist architectures: "cpu" : [ "!arm", "!mips" ] host architecture determined process.arch in case, if you'd set azure environment 32bit, set "cpu" : [ "ia32" ] ; if you'd 64 bit environment, set "cpu" : [ "x64" ] .

Android : Is there anyway to monitor network usage without root? -

i trying collect network usage each application/process. i've tried read /proc/net/xt_qtaguid/stats application, found can read own line, not data. i wonder if there way need? you can use charles create proxy, can setup proxy on device , see want charles' client. regards!

python - Pandas: change values in group to minimum -

what have: df = pd.dataframe({'series1':['a','a','a','a','a','a','b','b','b','b','b','b','b','b','c','c','c','c','c'], 'series2':[1,1,1,1,2,2,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1], 'series3':[10,12,20,10,12,4,8,8,1,10,12,12,13,13,9,8,7,7,7]}) series1 series2 series3 0 1 10 1 1 12 2 1 20 3 1 10 4 2 12 5 2 4 6 b 1 8 7 b 1 8 8 b 1 1 9 b 1 10 10 b 1 12 11 b 1 12 12 b 1 13 13 b 1 13 14 c 1 9 15 c 1 8 16 c 1 7 17 c 1 7 18

database - Simple inventory SQL query not listing all products MS-ACCESS -

so have simple select query: design view of query select tblproducts.product_id, sum(tblintakes.intake_qty)-sum(tblexits.exit_qty) stock (tblproducts inner join tblexits on tblproducts.product_id = tblexits.product_id) inner join tblintakes on tblproducts.product_id = tblintakes.product_id group tblproducts.product_id; it doesn't list products. list products had intake , exit. isn't useful since know stock level of products. this query: | product_id | stock | | 1 | 4 | this wan't get | product_id | stock | | 1 | 4 | | 2 | 10 | | 3 | 0 | this shouldn't complicated i'm new access , sql , it's giving me headache. appreciated these records: products | product_id | product_name | | 1 | pencil | | 2 | book | | 3 | marker | intakes | intake_id | intake_date | product_id | intake_qty | | 1 | 20/07/2017 | 1 | 10 | |

Drools DSL not active in workbench -

all, newbie drools, using drools dependency . there 2 parts of question , 1.using dsl in workbench. 2.using dsl in standalone rule execution. tried creating sample hello world rules using model ,rule , dsl resides in same package. created guided rule dsl option enabled, not able map dsl rule, noticed expander disabled in guided rule. the second question, able execute hello cruel world sample standalone . in same example tried use expander , modified rule use dsl. time when execute code not able see output. please advice.

Are "Dequeue" and "acknowledge" equivalent concept in activemq? -

i mean dequeue count in web console, , acknowledge() method in activemq broker's code. when 1 message run acknowledge(), dequeue count add 1 ,is correct? when acknowledge message has been queued dequeued , dequeued count destination increases 1 yes.

node.js - Can't set process.env.NODE_ENV to production in a project -

in gulpfile.js have dev variable has default value of true , means generate .tmp folder output files stored, since it's in development mode. if production , generate dist folder output files. in command line, in project directory, typed set node_env=production . when run gulp , still generates .tmp folder instead of dist . it's still in development mode. why isn't change happening? should make config file in case?

google apps script - Duplicate a sheet and rename copy to cell value -

i need take spreadsheet, duplicate (there should 2 separate spreadsheet files), , rename copy value of specific cell original spreadsheet. i did research in google's documentation, looked in stackoverflow. modified found @ " google script copy , rename sheet , name based on cell reference " function createnewtimesheet() { // code below makes duplicate of active sheet var ss = spreadsheetapp.getactivespreadsheet() spreadsheetapp.getactivespreadsheet().duplicateactivesheet(); // code below rename active sheet date based on cell o49 of source spreadsheet var myvalue = spreadsheetapp.getactivesheet( ).getrange("o49").getdisplayvalue(); spreadsheetapp.getactivespreadsheet().renameactivesheet(myvalue); } here's problem: the code snippet above creates copy of original spreadsheet new tab within original (source) spreadsheet , renames tab properly. not need. need original (source) spreadsheet duplicated, not copied, duplicate of original (s

perl - Is there any way to add data labels to chart while creating charts using Spreadsheet::WriteExcel? -

i using spreadsheet::writeexcel module in perl script. have plotted graphs in excel using writeexcel/ . want add data labels bar graph. has 1 tried before? unable find documentation same.

node.js - npm install with --save does not save in package.json -

i have npm-5.3.0 installed on arch linux. i create new project npm init , fill in details. creates package.json file details. after when npm install <package> --save , file package.json not change, , there no entry dependencies in file. had installed package globally if matters. check update available npm -g npm-check-updates npm-check-updates -u npm install you have change "dependencies": { "express": " ", "mongodb": " ", "underscore": " ", "rjs": " ", "jade": " ", "async": " " } then run npm update --save

llvm - lli -force-interpreter Error -

when try run command lli -force-interpreter file.ll i have error llvm error: tried execute unknown external function: posix_memalign also, when search error found link how solve problem?

python - Total number of records in a bulk of data based on attr. categories -

i have data contains 5 attributes x1, x2, x3, x4, x5 . x1 binary cases, let (0 s,1 s) . x2 (0 s, 1 s, , 2 s) , x3 five-folds (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) , on. how calculate total number of cases? thank you, markus i tried apply set theory , found cartesian product can solve intending do. the variables sets. took number of unique values in each set , multiplied them. result correct. the following link may helpful:

phpstorm - Array error in php 5.4 -

short array syntax allowed in php 5.4 less... (ctrl+f1) checks language features used in source code correspond selected language level. (i.e. traits can used in php 5.4). desired language level set in project configuration (project settings | php).

javascript - Ransack sort_link with ajax ignore pre-selected filters on rails -

i have added sort dropdown box existing rails app has multiple ransack filter options built in. facing following 2 problems: problem 1 when select sort function dropdown box, sorts db ignores selected filters. displays full db sort function applied not reflecting filters applied. problem 2 have added following code dropdown("toggle") javascript dropdown box closes after users click sort function , works well; code included in javascipt, sort works first time clicked. any suggestions? index.erb <%= search_form_for @q, remote: true, :builder => simpleform::formbuilder |f| %> <%= f.input :brand_eq, label: false, :collection =>{|k,v| [v,v]}, prompt: "all", input_html: { class: "form-control" } %> <div class="dropdown pull-right"> <button class="btn btn-default dropdown-toggle" type="button" id="dlabel" data-toggle="dropdown" aria-

reactjs - React.createElement: type is invalid on Expo -

i'm starting learn react native , tried rn on expo. i'm getting error. warning: react.createelement: type invalid -- expected string (for built-in components) or class/function (for composite components) got: object. forgot export component file it's defined in. my code import react 'react'; import {text, appregistry} 'react-native'; const app = () => ( <text>some text </text> ); appregistry.registercomponent('helloworld', () => app ); i worte cod on app.js file you can this: import react, { component } 'react'; import {text, appregistry} 'react-native'; export default class app extends component { render() { return ( <text>hello world!</text> ); } } appregistry.registercomponent('helloworld', () => app );

DocumentDB select document at specific index -

is possible select document @ specific index? i have document import process, page of items data source (250 items @ once) import these documentdb in concurrently. assuming error inserting these items documentdb wont sure individual item or items failed. (i work out don't want to). easier upsert items page again. the items i'm inserting have ascending id. if query documentdb (ordered id) , select id @ position (count of id's - page size) can start importing point forward again. i know skip not implemented, want check if there option? you try bulk import stored procedure. sproc creation code below azure's github repo . sproc report number of docs created in batch , continue trying create docs in multiple batches if sproc times out. since sproc acid, have retry beginning (or last successful batch) if there exceptions thrown. change createdocument function upsertdocument if want retry entire batch process if exception thrown. { id: "bulkim

c# - Editing core identity claims instead of adding them -

i'm using external logins core mvc website, , when login completes want store social info used login (such username, profile image, etc.) claims in user's identity... so run code in account controller after successful login: var authclaim = => c.claimtype ==; if (authclaim == null) externalclaims.add(new claim(, authtoken.value)); else authclaim.claimvalue = authtoken.value; if (externalclaims.any()) await _usermanager.addclaimsasync(user, externalclaims); await _usermanager.updateasync(user); however when attempt this, claims table duplicating claims rather updating them expected, every time user logs in collection of records in table user identical last. do have delete them , re-add them instead on every login? if not, how update existing claims without duplicating them? i'm doing on every login in case user has changed profile or other info

node.js - How to set slack listener in nodejs? -

i tried outgoing web-hook.'/getmsg', function(req, res, next){ console.log(req.body); var botpayload = { text : "hello how r u?" } return res.status(`enter code here`200).json(botpayload); }) my requirement need listen slack messages nodejs

javascript - Selection::addRange very slow in large DOM -

is there alternative document.getselection().addrange() ? in content editable frame containing div s, gets slower go down div s. are running removeallranges first? mdn article , this answer make seem call required / recommended. an example script mdn article: /* select strong elements in html document */ var strongs = document.getelementsbytagname("strong"); var s = window.getselection(); if(s.rangecount > 0) s.removeallranges(); for(var = 0; < strongs.length; i++) { var range = document.createrange(); range.selectnode(strongs[i]); s.addrange(range); }

how to get the next sequence value in hibernate using named query? -

hi want next value of notificationerrorlog_sequence sequence using hibernate named query,please let me know solution this @id @sequencegenerator(name = "employee_sequence", sequencename = "employee_seq", allocationsize=1) @generatedvalue(strategy=generationtype.sequence, generator="employee_sequence") @column(name = "id", updatable = false, nullable = false) private long id;

C : Auto-complete file names matching a pattern in access() or execl() on unix / linux -

i having program masterprog exec()s binary matching specific pattern amongst multiple such files slaveprog.1.1.0 , slaveprog.1.2.1 , slaveprog.2.1.10 , ... within same directory. to more clear, masterprog checks environment in system (in case ubuntu 16.04 lts amd64) , looks few more factors , decides slaveprog.x.y.z execute. slaveprog naming convention follows: x : 1=debian | 2=rpm y : 1=amd64 | 2=x86 z : latest slaveprog version my master program able generate slaveprog.1.1. environment , calls: access("./slaveprog.1.1.*",f_ok); // verify if file exists execl("/slaveprog.1.1.*","/slaveprog.1.1.*",null); but unfortunately access() returns -1 if slaveprog.1.1.3 exists in current working directory. can suggest me if there simpler way open directory, list files , select appropriate file achieve this?

c# - Binding a command to a checkbox for onclick inside a xamdatagrid in wpf not working -

i have checkbox inside xamdatagrid , follows :- <igdp:unboundfield width="1*" label="{loctext props:resources.grouplist_sync}" bindingmode="twoway" bindingpath="issynchronise.value" converter="{staticresource booltoumdirectoryfilter}" converterparameter="enabled" tooltip="{loctext props:resources.grouplist_sync}"> <igdp:unboundfield.settings> <igdp:fieldsettings allowedit="true"> <igdp:fieldsettings.labelpresenterstyle > <style targettype="igdp:labelpresenter" basedon="{staticresource gmslabelstyle }"> <setter property="automationproperties.automationid" value="group_sync"></setter> </style> </igdp:fieldsettings.labelpresenterstyle> <igdp:fieldsettings.cellvaluepresenterstyle> <styl

hive - How to insert infinity in Impala Table -

how insert infinity , nan in impala. same test works hive throwing error in impala. > create table z2 (x double); > insert z2 values (1),("nan"),("infinity"),("-infinity"); query: insert z1 values (1),("nan"),("infinity"),("-infinity") error: analysisexception: incompatible return types 'tinyint' , 'string' of exprs '1' , ''nan''. can tell me how fix impala. based on impala mathematical functions , you're missing cast(x double) . infinity , nan can specified in text data files inf , nan respectively, , impala interprets them these special values. can produced arithmetic expressions; example, 1/0 returns infinity , pow(-1, 0.5) returns nan. or can cast literal values, such cast('nan' double) or cast('inf' double). so insert should read: > insert z2 values (1), (cast ('nan' double)), (cast ('inf' double)), (- cast

inner classes - How can I access a method that is inside a class that is inside another method of another class in Java -

below program compiles how access m2() method of class b inside m1() method of class a. class a{ public void m1() { system.out.println("a-m1"); class b{ public void m2() { system.out.println("b-m2"); } }//end of class b }//end of m1() method }// end of class it depends on scope. if want invoke m2() @ end of m1() , it's simple creating new instance of b , calling method. new b().m2() if want call outside method or before declaration, won't allow because of scope. if case, should consider promoting scope class-level.

javascript - Yii2: Uncaught Reference Error -

i have weird problem. in yii2 update. i didn't change lines on update function. can update record when submit form stays on is. when index record updated. here screenshot google chrome developer tool: here screenshot of js developer tool being said: i don't have enough knowledge regarding jquery. thank advice. hello not yii problem jquery conflict problem , load jquery file problem

svn - TortoiseSVN - get a list of all revisions for a specific tag -

in svn repository i'm working there several subfolders - branch , trunk , tags . the tags directory i'm interested in. contains tags releases (we follow scheme major.minor.maintenance example 01.00.07 ). i know if there sort of feature in tortoisesvn obtain all revisions "belong" given release or better - see version current revision for. revisions go ahead of last release (since belong release has yet happen) don't fall in category. edit: comment @royalts helps little bit i'm looking column (similar present date , author , revision etc.) release tag next each revision.

sql server 2016 - Always Encrypted Feature - Failed to decrypt column. Call from Windows-Service App -

.net framework ver = 4.6.2 , database = sql server 2016 app type = windows service we working on "always encrypted" feature in sql 2016 db perform encryption on customer data columns. our web application built in mvc architecture , working fine new feature. have copied , imported certificate database server on iis web-server. , web-application working smoothly. but when try access db windows service application running on separate server, throws following exception. failed decrypt column 'columnx'. failed decrypt column encryption key using key store provider: 'mssql_certificate_store'. last 10 bytes of encrypted column encryption key are: '76-34-51-da-41-8f-52-d1-a1-ee'. keyset not exist we have copied , imported same certificate similar steps on server running windows-service application. please suggest, if missing in certificate installation. need edit propertied in installed certificate ? always encrypted functiona

c# - F#: Connecting to Azure SQL db? -

i want connect azure db , work .fsx file. the method listed c# is: sqlconnectionstringbuilder builder = new sqlconnectionstringbuilder(); builder.datasource = ""; builder.userid = "your_user"; builder.password = "your_password"; builder.initialcatalog = "your_database"; using (sqlconnection connection = new sqlconnection(builder.connectionstring)) ... is there better way in f# or should try extrapolate c# f#? know once string made can use type providers sqlprogrammabilityprovider. basically looking f# guide on connecting azure sql server similar c# one: microsoft producers lot of c# content doesn't have f# equivalent :( i use great library database access in f#: - Convert numerical amount to words in showing Type Expected error -

i trying convert numeric numbers words in somewhere getting type expected error. below entire code. putting code separately error coming. public shared function convertnumbertowords(number integer) string if number = 0 return "zero" end if if number < 0 return convert.tostring("minus ") & convertnumbertowords(math.abs(number)) end if dim words string = "" if (number / 1000000) > 0 words += convertnumbertowords(number / 1000000) & convert.tostring(" million ") number = number mod 1000000 end if if (number / 1000) > 0 words += convertnumbertowords(number / 1000) & convert.tostring(" thousand ") number = number mod 1000 end if if (number / 100) > 0 words += convertnumbertowords(number / 100) & convert.tostring(" hundred ") number = number mod 100 end if if number > 0

sorting - C# DataGridView: Disable CellEnter event for Columns -

i've created columns , retrieved data database populate datagridview . i have cellenter event fires , processes selected row of grid. however, datagridviewcolumn triggers cellenter , when click column header sort data, program tries process instead , throws argumentoutofrange exception. how might disable cellenter being called columns?

android - Recycle-view item components overlapping -

in second item seems overlapping can due longer length text not fix it. fragment_meds.xml <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <linearlayout xmlns:android="" android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="175dp" android:orientation="horizontal"> <linearlayout android:layout_width="0dp" android:layout_weight="0.35" android:layout_height="match_parent" android:padding="10dp" android:orientation="vertical"> <imageview android:background="@drawable/default_meds_small" android:layout_width="100dp" android:layout_height="100dp" /> </linearlayout> <linearlayout android:layout_width="0dp" android:layout_height=

How to implement XBar & RChart in react native -

i stuck in 1 problem. i want implement xbar & rchart in react-native there way implement chart in react native.? if yes please give me suggestion regarding , if possible please give me demo on it. thank in advance. please me.

Dropbox shutdown webhooks for an user -

i have dropbox webhooks. when user make change, webhook sends me json list of users have changes. if user in platform, has drobox active, doesn't pay quota it's "inactive", there's way stop receiving webhooks? the solution i've thought store inactive users , ignore when id equals id on json, that's quite ineficient because if have 1000 users inactive that's huge amount of webhooks ignore. no, it's not possible exclude users on quota webhook notifications. we'll consider feature request.

javascript - how to hide first five list on click in jQuery -

how hide first 5 list on click , again when click there should hide next 5 list . <script src="jquery.js"></script> <script> $(function(){ $(".hidelist").click({ $(this).find("ul li:lt(5)").hide(); }) }) </script> <ul> <li>this list</li> <li>this list</li> <li>this list</li> <li>this list</li> <li>this list</li> <li>this list</li> <li>this list</li> <li>this list</li> <li>this list</li> <li>this list</li> </ul> <button class="hidelist"></button> here go solution var cnt = 0; $('button[class="clickme"]').click(function(){ cnt++; $('ul li:lt(' + (cnt * 5) + ')').hide(); }); <script src="

c# - How to implement a custom class to have only one instance per value set (not singleton) -

this question has answer here: giving same data parameters same instance 1 answer i have custom class follows 2 enumerations: public class mcode { public aenum { get; } public benum b { get; } public byte c { get; } //some constructors , methods } i'd create 1 instance of each mcode (never create mcode if 1 exists same 3 values) , if ever create object contains mcode property, i'd ensure same instance property of previous object containing such mcode. in terms of numbers: number of possible mcodes 100s number of references mcodes @ runtime 100s number of distinct mcodes in terms of values 3-10. ********************update*********************************** now tried use factory class follows: public static class makemcode { private static list<mcode> instances; public static mcode instance(aenum ae, benum be, byte

c# - Web Color Palette Winform -

not sure being dumb. web colour palette widget call? colordialog brings picker not wanted i though web of palette not have web picker. in advance [edited: maybe should rephrase question, how brought above color picker? not wish use 3rd party widget except available in vs] i hope comes out-of-the box .net solution. if not, can write own; 1 starters..: public partial class webcolors : form { public webcolors() { initializecomponent(); } public color pick { get; set; } private void webcolors_load(object sender, eventargs e) { var webcolors = enum.getvalues(typeof(knowncolor)) .cast<knowncolor>() .where(k => k >= knowncolor.transparent && k < knowncolor.buttonface) .select(k => color.fromknowncolor(k)) .orderby(c => c.gethue()) .thenby(c => c.getsaturation()) .thenby(c => c.getbrightness()).tolist();

sql - R: Specify sprintf string padding character -

i trying create 10-character strings padding number less 10-characters zeroes. i've been able number of characters less 10 below causing 10-character string form spaces @ start. how 1 make leading characters 0s? # current code foo <- c("0","999g","0123456789","123456789", "s") bar <- sprintf("%10s",foo) bar # desired: c("0000000000","000000999g","0123456789", "0123456789", "00000000s) we need sprintf("%010d", as.numeric(foo)) #[1] "0000000000" "0000000999" "0123456789" "0123456789" if have character elements, then library(stringr) str_pad(foo, width = 10, pad = "0") #[1] "0000000000" "000000999g" "0123456789" "0123456789" "000000000s"

Not able to remove published Google docs Addon -

i have published google docs add-on google addon store. clicked on manage add-ons , clicked on green manage button right of in add-on list. when clicked on button, didn't see "remove" option. please guide me missed during publish or else? there's remove button working perfectly. try different browser. if viewing phone, try laptop/pc.

swift - Can I fix this with the using of API Spotify in iOS app? -

i have error: unexpectedly found nil while unwrapping optional value" at line: vc.mainpreviewurl = posts[indexpath!].previewurl how can fix please? code,thanks in advance ;) class tableviewcontroller: uitableviewcontroller { var posts = [post]() var names = [string]() var searchurl = "" var oauthtoken = "bqcvqhznohyhgutkvw43pdxv4yzs9jhvdipsn3xbxne5jbg0zwnrpfwh81vmeuk5lqerel0djajt1iyla1t9yzqmdypc5lkmd5z_ndzeawrcevh4fmc_nn50x2r_i8a38amrjfms8qpnhgyohjae8sfvjbswqoererr2rrebmxc8jmgq7-aq-ttalp87ducrvy8mt8wvt8muenihus8hxrctt071x7he2j_eghjswp7woa5foyk9xhzkxu_p_3hkab6x6rbycm4sfx9wldtb5h_jikfeht-15mjol_pmnryo9wpnaclkts3aobldlnk" typealias jsonstandard = [string: anyobject] override func viewdidload() { super.viewdidload() callalamo(url: searchurl,token: oauthtoken) } func callalamo(url : string,token: string){ alamofire.request(sear