angularjs - Equivalent Single Html file with export options like Datatables -

i created single html - table - export options, search, pagination using static data using datatables. 

is similar kind of example or working html available in angular-ui-grid

datatable doesn't works huge records. please kindly equivalent html file using angular ui grid..thanks in advance anything


from looks like, able export csv , pdf. don't see evidence of excel export working. not sure offhand on print function, however, exporting pdf , printing option. can later if it's deal breaker.

the js code pretty straight forward. i've added options pdf configuration well.

the code exporting function comes verbatim 312 exporting data custom ui. converted buttons if wanted, provides external export functionality. little menu in upper right corner has these export options, i've left experimentation. setting $scope.gridoptions.enablegridmenu false turn off.


$scope.gridoptions = {     enablegridmenu: true,     data: 'data',     paginationpagesizes: [10],     paginationpagesize: 10,      exporterlinklabel: 'get csv here',     exporterpdfdefaultstyle: {fontsize: 9},     exporterpdftablestyle: {margin: [10, 10, 10, 10]},     exporterpdftableheaderstyle: {fontsize: 10, bold: true, italics: true, color: 'red'},     exporterpdforientation: 'portrait',     exporterpdfpagesize: 'letter',     exporterpdfmaxgridwidth: 500,      onregisterapi: function(gridapi){       $scope.gridapi = gridapi;     },    };    // verbatim:   $scope.export = function(){     if ($scope.export_format == 'csv') {       var myelement = angular.element(document.queryselectorall(".custom-csv-link-location"));       $scope.gridapi.exporter.csvexport( $scope.export_row_type, $scope.export_column_type, myelement );     } else if ($scope.export_format == 'pdf') {       $scope.gridapi.exporter.pdfexport( $scope.export_row_type, $scope.export_column_type );     }   }; 


<!-- verbatim: --> <label>which columns should export?</label>   <select ng-model="export_column_type"</select>     <option value='all'>all</option>     <option value='visible'>visible</option>   </select>   <label>which rows should export?</label>   <select ng-model="export_row_type"</select>     <option value='all'>all</option>     <option value='visible'>visible</option>     <option value='selected'>selected</option>   </select>   <label>what format like?</label>   <select ng-model="export_format"</select>     <option value='csv'>csv</option>     <option value='pdf'>pdf</option>   </select>   <button ng-click="export()">export</button>   <div class="custom-csv-link-location">     <label>your csv show below:</label>     <span class="ui-grid-exporter-csv-link">&nbsp</span>   </div>    <div ui-grid="gridoptions" class="grid" style="width:100%"        ui-grid-selection ui-grid-exporter ui-grid-pagination></div>   </div> 

example plunk


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