postgresql - rails error: relation already exists -

i'm trying move rails app docker container production , i'm last step of loading production dump container.

i've done backup of current production database

pg_dump pdfcat_production > ~/pdfcat-20170728.dump 

i've loaded once before , worked, it's second time failing;

docker-compose run -e 'rails_env=production' app rake db:drop docker-compose run -e 'rails_env=production' app rake db:create cat ~/pdfcat-20170727.dump | docker exec -i 79766cf70617 psql -upostgres 

i error;

error:  relation "categories" exists error:  role "pdfcat" not exist error:  relation "categories_id_seq" exists error:  role "pdfcat" not exist alter sequence error:  relation "clients" exists error:  role "pdfcat" not exist error:  relation "clients_id_seq" exists error:  role "pdfcat" not exist 

after finishes these errors cannot load web app.

the loading of second time giving errors because data loaded containers , not getting recreated. need not load data time.

as current situation, can remove containers , begin afresh , time data loading not give errors. remove container, can use docker rm <contianer_id> , if there problems while stopping or removing container there system restart failproof , stops container. restarting docker service may 1 option.

if want prepare image can load data first time system, can include data loading process inside dockerfile.


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