python - ManyToMany Relation in Template (Reverse LookUp) -

i'm trying build own client database , don't reverse lookup work:

class personqueryset(models.queryset):     def employees(self):         return self.filter(role='e')  class personmanager(models.manager):     def get_queryset(self):         return personqueryset(self.model, using=self._db)     def employees(self):         return self.get_queryset().employees()  class person(models.model):     people = personmanager()     role = models.charfield(max_length=1,     choices = (('c', _('client')),('e', _('employee'))))  class organization(models.model):     employees = models.manytomanyfield(         employee,         limit_choices_to=q(role='e'),         related_name='organization_employees',         related_query_name='organization_employee',)

class persondetail(detailview):     model = person     template_name = 'clients/person_detail.html' 

the organization-class relates on manytomany-relation several employees (person-class). detailview (template "person_detail.html") of every employee may display organization, each employee belongs, think

i've tried , many other solutions, has never worked far, don't why i'm stucked.

<ul> {% organization in people.organization_set.all %}     {{ }} {% endfor %} </ul> 

many many :)

i don't think can call many reverse lookup queryset, instance of model. use instead:

<ul> {% person in people %}     {% organization in person.organization_set.all %}         {{ }}     {% endfor %} {% endfor %} </ul> 

you add method peoplequeryset class add functionality.

class personqueryset(models.queryset):     def organization_set(self):         return organization.objects.filter(pk__in=self.values_list('organization', flat=true)) 


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