-label:pinned works in Gmail but not in the Google Apps Script GmailApp.search() function? -

the following gmail / inbox gmail search returns in inbox pinned.

in:inbox label:pinned

and returns unpinned inbox messages.

in:inbox -label:pinned

side note: though messages "pinned" in inbox gmail, , not gmail, search still works expected in both web apps.

the following google apps script logs pinned emails.

function getunpinnedemails() {   var threads = gmailapp.search('in:inbox label:pinned');    (var = 0; < threads.length; i++) {       message = threads[i].getmessages()[0];       subject = message.getsubject();        logger.log(subject)   } } 

however, following google apps script logs all inbox emails including pinned messages.

function getunpinnedemails() {   var threads = gmailapp.search('in:inbox -label:pinned');    (var = 0; < threads.length; i++) {       message = threads[i].getmessages()[0];       subject = message.getsubject();        logger.log(subject)   } } 

gmailapp.search('in:inbox not label:pinned') returns inbox messages.

i think bug thought i'd see if i'm missing something. thanks.

based thread, gmailapp.search()should use is:unread / in:inbox , search query parameter label: shouldn't have dash before it.

you can check in page list of accepted search query parameters.


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