.net - The connection with the server was terminated abnormally (AWS S3 file upload) -

using following code upload gzip file s3:

class program {     public static awscredentials credentials;      static program()     {         var chain = new credentialprofilestorechain();         if (!chain.trygetawscredentials("awsconfig", out credentials))             throw new exception("aws credentials not found!!");     }      static void main(string[] args)     {         var filepath = $@"c:\temp\test.gz";         uploadfile("mybucket", filepath, "test");     }      private static void uploadfile(string bucketname, string filepath, string prefixkey)     {         transferutility filetransferutility = new transferutility(new amazons3client(credentials, amazon.regionendpoint.useast1));          transferutilityuploadrequest filetransferutilityrequest = new transferutilityuploadrequest         {             bucketname = bucketname,             filepath = filepath,             key = prefixkey,         };          filetransferutility.upload(filetransferutilityrequest);         console.writeline("upload completed");     } } 

i getting error the write operation failed, see inner exception inner exception system.net.http.winhttpexception: connection server terminated abnormally

i thought network problem uploaded application ec2 instance in same region bucket , still getting same error.

the file test.gz file gzip compression , size 274kb.

this problem happens files compressed same way.

what reason of error?

let me know if need file test.

here complete stack trace: https://pastebin.com/rj8qsmsk


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