express - How to GET json data from API with a header -

i'm trying json data api using nodejs , express, requires header i'm not sure how input header request.

the documentation says:

curl -h"x-fullcontact-apikey:$your_key"  '' 

how do add request header? looked everywhere on stackoverflow days, , havent found anything. php, nothing nodejs w/ express. how can request node npm manager package

not sure on how request code looks like, should it; right?

var request = require('request');  var options = {   url: '',   headers: {     'x-fullcontact-apikey': '$your_key'   } };  function callback(error, response, body) {   if (!error && response.statuscode == 200) {     var result = json.parse(body);     console.log(result);   } }  request(options, callback); 


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