segmentation fault - Prime Finder in C -

my prime finder based on fact check if number prime, need check prime numbers it's square root. so, find every prime number between 0 , x, knowing prime numbers between 0 , x's square root allow compute things quickly. initial list of prime finders find using brute force method, pass list quick prime finder.

this code compiles , works correctly, reason i'm getting segmentation fault 11 when try upper bound of 5 million or more. seems "all good" until try make "finalprimes" list. thoughts why might be/general feedback appreciated. ps, i'm new c general commentary on design appreciated well.

#include<stdio.h> #include<math.h> #include<stdbool.h>  void fill_array_with_primes_brute(int *array, int upper);  void fill_array_with_primes_quick(int *initial, int *final, int lower, int upper);  int find_end(int *array, int length);  bool is_prime_brute(int num);  bool is_prime_quick(int *primes, int num);    int main(void) {   int upperbound;   printf("enter upper bound: \n");   scanf("%i", &upperbound);                               /* user input upper bound */   int boundroot = (int) sqrtf((float) upperbound) + 1;    /* root of upper bound later use */   printf("%i root\n", boundroot);   printf("all good\n");   int initialprimes[boundroot / 2];                       /* can safely assume number of primes between 0 , x less x / 2 larger numbers */   printf("all good\n");   int finalprimes[upperbound / 2];   printf("all good\n");   fill_array_with_primes_brute(initialprimes, boundroot);   printf("all good\n");   int initialprimessize = find_end(initialprimes, sizeof initialprimes / sizeof initialprimes[0]);   printf("all good\n");   printf("%i primes between 0 , %i\n", initialprimessize, boundroot);   printf("all good\n");   initialprimes[initialprimessize] = 50000;   printf("all good\n");   printf("\nhere are: \n");               /* act barrier between primes , trailing 0's is_prime_quick works */   (int x = 0; x < initialprimessize; x++)   {     printf("%i\n", initialprimes[x]);   }   fill_array_with_primes_quick(initialprimes, finalprimes, boundroot, upperbound);   printf("\nhere other ones: \n");   int pos = 0;   while (finalprimes[pos] != 0)   {     printf("%i\n", finalprimes[pos]);     pos++;   } }  void fill_array_with_primes_brute(int *array, int upper)      /* upper number want primes */ {   array[0] = 2;   array[1] = 3;                                   /* fill array 2 & 3 cos yolo */   int arraycount = 2;                             /* start counter cos c doesn't have arraylists */   (int pote = 4; pote < upper; pote++)           /* every number in range potentially prime */   {     if (is_prime_brute(pote))     {       array[arraycount] = pote;       arraycount++;     }   } }  bool is_prime_brute(int num) {   (int x = 2; x < (int) sqrtf((float) num) + 1; x++)    /* go through numbers number's square root looking factor */   {     if (num % x == 0)     {       return false;                                /* has factor, not prime */     }   }   return true;                                     /* if we've made far it's prime */ }  void fill_array_with_primes_quick(int *initial, int *final, int lower, int upper) {   int arraycount = 0;   (int pote = lower; pote < upper; pote++)   {     if (is_prime_quick(initial, pote))     {       final[arraycount] = pote;       arraycount++;     }   } }  bool is_prime_quick(int *primes, int num) {     int pos = 0;     while (primes[pos] < (int) sqrtf((float) num) + 1)     /* while number we're @ in array less number's square root */     {       if (num % primes[pos] == 0)       {         return false;       }       pos++;     }     return true; }  int find_end(int *array, int length)               /* find true end of array, contain few trailing 0's  */ {   for(int x = 0; x < length; x++)   {     if (array[x] == 0)     {       return x;     }   }   return 0; } 

this happens because allocate memory in automatic memory area (also known "on stack").

replace these declarations mallocs:

int initialprimes[boundroot / 2]; int finalprimes[boundroot / 2]; 


int *initialprimes = malloc(sizeof(int)*boundroot / 2); int *finalprimes = malloc(sizeof(int)*boundroot / 2); 

also replace sizeof initialprimes / sizeof initialprimes[0]) expression boundroot / 2. add calls free both allocated arrays: after final while loop in main, add

free(initialprimes); free(finalprimes); 


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