python - wrong results when saving and loading weights/model in Keras -

i can't post code using, try explain it. first have defined few functions preprocess raw data. then, using keras have following arquitecture:

model = sequential()  model.add(dense(10, input_dim=230, init='uniform',activation='sigmoid'))    model.add(dense(5, init='uniform', activation='sigmoid'))  model.add(dense(2, init='uniform', activation='sigmoid'))  model.compile(loss='mse', optimizer='rmsprop', metrics=['binary_accuracy']), trainy, nb_epoch=1000, batch_size=1, callbacks=[history], verbose=2) 

now problem. when run code >98% accuracy, when save weights/model (following keras doc) , load them, garbage results.

i have tried loading after , before compile line, saving/loading weights/model, nothing works (i keep getting wrong results after loading them in different python session)


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