How to convert raw query into Laravel Eloquent way -

i have raw query. how can convert 1 laravel eloquent.

select * `results` q inner join `answers`as on q.question_id = a.question_id  , q.team1 = a.team1  , q.team2 = a.team2  , q.score1 = a.score1  // table relationships. results hasmany answers. results hasmany predictions. prediction model here. 

as far understood question,you can't relationship joins.

please try query.

 result::join('results q', function ($join) {             $join->on('answers.question_id', '=', 'q.question_id')                 ->on('user_answers.team1', '=', 'q.team1')                 ->on('user_answers.team2', '=', 'q.team2')                 ->on('user_answers.score1', '=', 'q.score1')                 ->on('user_answers.score2', '=', 'q.score2');         })->get(); 

now can run query relational data.


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