amazon s3 - Updating files for my static website on S3 -

i'm trying update static website i'm hosting on amazon aws s3 - need put new version of resume there. i've gone through documentation , seems though need 'invalidate' file - guides i'm finding talk using cloudfront, service don't use.

so static website need update single file, how do without cloudfront?

"if upload object key name exists in bucket, amazon s3 creates version of object instead of replacing existing object." may need check in aws s3 console url new version of object.

you can update file through aws s3 console, programmatically using package python, ruby, etc., or using aws command line.

if using aws command line, can upload file s3 using these commands:

$ aws configure aws access key id [none]: akiaiosfodnn7example   aws secret access key [none]: wjalrxutnfemi/k7mdeng/bpxrficyexamplekey   default region name [none]: us-east-1   default output format [none]: json $ aws s3 cp myvideo.mp4 s3://mybucket/ 


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