xcode - C++ function with pointer argument -

i writing c++ program outputs data file, generates python script , calls pyplot make plotting.

however, when pass arguments in terms of pointers, can compiled properly, cannot run. returns error. when use xcode debug mode , execute step step, gives correct result chance not always. returns error.

i doubt might caused memory allocation problem, cannot identify problem.

my codes following:

1) main

#include <iostream> #include <stdlib.h> #include <cmath> #include "pycplot.h"  using namespace std;  double pi = 3.1415926;  int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) {      int nline = 100;      double * np_list = new double(nline);     double * pack_fraction_np = new double (nline);      (int i=0; i<nline; i++){         np_list[i] = double(i)/double(nline)*2*pi;         pack_fraction_np[i] = cos(np_list[i]);     }      pycplot_data_fout("randompacking", nline, np_list, pack_fraction_np);     pycplot_pythonscript("randompacking", "random packing");     pycplot_pyplot("randompacking", "random packing");      return 0; } 

2) head file

#ifndef pycplot_h #define pycplot_h  #include <iostream> #include <cmath> #include <fstream> #include <string> #include <stdlib.h>  using namespace std;   int pycplot_data_fout(string datafilename, int nline, double * x, double *y){     ofstream fout;     fout.open(datafilename+".txt");     fout << nline << endl;     (int i=0; i<nline; i++){         fout << x[i] << "  " << y[i] << endl;     }     fout.close();     return 0; }  int pycplot_pythonscript(string datafilename, string plttitle){      string strhead = "import numpy np\nimport matplotlib.pyplot plt\n";     string strpltfig = "plt.figure()\n";     string strpltplt = "plt.plot(xlist, ylist)\n";     string strplttit = "plt.title('"+plttitle+"')\n";     string strpltshw = "plt.show()\n";      string strfileopen ="f = open('"+datafilename+".txt', 'r')\n";     string strreadline ="size = map(int, f.readline().split())\n";     string strpltlist ="xlist = np.zeros((size))\nylist = np.zeros((size))\n";     string strfor = "for in range(size[0]):\n    xlist[i], ylist[i] = map(float, f.readline().split())\n";      ofstream pyout;     pyout.open("pycplot_"+datafilename+".py");     pyout << strhead << strfileopen << strreadline << strpltlist << strfor;     pyout << strpltfig << strpltplt << strplttit << strpltshw;     pyout.close();     return 0; }  int pycplot_pyplot(string datafilename, string plttitle){      string strsystemsh ="source ~/.bashrc; python pycplot_"+datafilename+".py";     system(strsystemsh.c_str());      return 0; }  #endif /* pycplot_h */ 

when ran, below error message

malloc: *** error object 0x1002002e8: incorrect checksum freed object - object modified after being freed. 

you want pass array, pass actual array can sized @ runtime (std::vector), not random pointer pointing first element of array (and in case, doesn't)

your mistake using new double(x) instead of new double[x]. former allocates single double value equal x, , latter allocates array of double of size x , returns pointer first element, but, i've said, wouldn't have problem @ had used std::vector , not dabbled pointers 90s style (not mention, wouldn't have memory leak had used std::vector).


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