php - How to upload image in codeigniter, Error Number: 1136 -

  1. the controller want user can upload image database in table "invoices" or "orders" column "bukti_trnsfr" thanks

            public function payment_confirmation($invoice_id = 0 )         {            $data['get_sitename'] = $this->model_settings->sitename_settings();         $data['get_footer'] = $this->model_settings->footer_settings();         $config['upload_path'] = './uploads/';         $config['allowed_types'] = 'gif|jpg|png';         $config['max_size'] = '100';         $config['max_width']  = '1024';         $config['max_height']  = '768';         $this->load->library('upload', $config);         $this->form_validation->set_rules('invoice_id_input','invoice id','required|integer');         $this->form_validation->set_rules('amount_input','amount transfered','required|integer');          if($this->form_validation->run()    ==  false)         {             if($this->input->post('invoice_id_input'))             {                 $data['invoice_id'] =set_value('invoice_id_input');             }else{                       $data['invoice_id'] = $invoice_id;                     $upload_image = $this->upload->data();                     $data_invoices = array(                     'bukti_trnsfr'  => $upload_image['file_name']);                 }             $this->load->view('customer/form_payment_confirmation',$data);         }else{                 $is_valid = $this->model_customer->mark_invoice_paid_confirmed(set_value('invoice_id_input'),set_value('amount_input'),set_value('file_name'));                 if ($is_valid)                 {                         $this->session->set_flashdata('message','terima kasih, produk yang anda pesan akan segera kami proses');                         redirect('customer/shopping_history');                 }else{                         $this->session->set_flashdata('error','jumlah nominal salah, silahkan coba lagi ');                         redirect('customer/payment_confirmation/'.set_value('invoice_id_input'));                     }               }     } 
  2. this model. public function mark_invoice_paid_confirmed($invoice_id,$amount,$bukti_trnsfr) {//check invoice $ret = true ; $data_invoices = $this->db->insert('invoices', $bukti_trnsfr); $is_invoice = $this->db->where('id',$invoice_id)->limit(1)->get('invoices'); if($is_invoice->num_rows() == 0 ) { $ret = $ret && false;

                }else{//check amount                        $total = $this->db->select('sum(qty * price) total')                                       ->where('invoice_id',$invoice_id)                                       ->get('orders');                                     if($total->row()->total > $amount )                      {                             $ret = $ret && false ;                     }else                     {//mark invoice paid                             $this->db->where('id',$invoice_id)->update('invoices',array('status'=>'confirmed'));                         }                   }             return $ret;         } 

you forget upload image in code. use below mentioned lines upload image in codeigniter after validation runs true.


let me know if not works.


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