android - How to change the hint color property dynamically when its unfocsed state? -

i need change hint color property dynamically when unfocused. possible change hint color dynamically(not in focused state).

actual design

enter image description here

and xml

enter image description here

i can't change hint color property programmatically when unfocused. stuck. possible do? please me. here code -

         btnsignup.setonclicklistener(new view.onclicklistener() {             @override             public void onclick(view view) {                 final string email = emailedittext.gettext().tostring();                 final string pass = passedittext.gettext().tostring();                 if (email.isempty()) {                     inputlayoutemail.sethint("email required login");                     inputlayoutemail.sethinttextappearance(;                     inputlayoutemail.seterror(" ");                     emailedittext.sethinttextcolor(getresources().getcolor(r.color.primary_dark));                  }                 if (pass.isempty()) {                     inputlayoutpassword.sethint("password required login");                    passedittext.sethinttextcolor(getresources().getcolor(r.color.primary_dark));                      inputlayoutpassword.sethinttextappearance(;                     inputlayoutpassword.seterror(" ");                     inputlayoutpassword.clearfocus();                     passedittext.sethint("password required login");                   passedittext.sethinttextcolor(;                 } 

use code may you.

 button.setonclicklistener(new view.onclicklistener() {             @override             public void onclick(view view) {                 if (edittext1.gettext().tostring().length() == 0) {                     edittext1.sethinttextcolor(;                 }                 if (edittext2.gettext().tostring().length() == 0) {                     edittext2.sethinttextcolor(;                 }             }         }); 


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