openerp - Odoo - Combine two fields heading in one2many -

i working odoo 10-e. created custom module , in module want show one2many records

---------------- | long cell    | ---------------- | 1    | 2     | ---------------- 

right default each column have own heading string= value. want override default behavior.

first create xml file extends listview template add colspan feature in base list view template.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <templates id="template" xml:space="preserve"> <div t-extend="listview">      <t t-jquery="table" t-operation="replace">         <table class="o_list_view table table-condensed table-striped">         <t t-set="columns_count" t-value="visible_columns.length + (options.selectable ? 1 : 0) + (options.deletable ? 1 : 0)"/>         <thead>             <tr t-if="options.header">                 <t t-foreach="columns" t-as="column">                     <th t-if="column.meta">                         <t t-esc="column.string"/>                     </th>                 </t>                 <th t-if="options.selectable" class="o_list_record_selector" width="1">                     <div class="o_checkbox">                         <input type="checkbox"/><span/>                     </div>                 </th>                 <t t-set="col" t-value="0"/>                 <t t-foreach="columns" t-as="column">                     <t t-if="col == 0">                     <th t-if="!column.meta , column.invisible !== '1'" t-att-data-id=""                         t-attf-class="text-center #{((options.sortable , column.sortable , column.tag !== 'button') ? 'o_column_sortable' : '')}"                             t-att-width="column.width()" t-att-colspan="column.colspan" >                         <t t-set="col" t-value="column.colspan or 1"/>                             <t t-if="column.tag !== 'button'"><t t-raw="column.heading()"/></t>                     </th>                     </t>                     <t t-if="col !== 0" t-set="col" t-value="col - 1"/>                 </t>                 <th t-if="options.deletable" class="o_list_record_delete"/>             </tr>         </thead>         <tfoot>             <tr>                 <td t-if="options.selectable"/>                 <td t-foreach="aggregate_columns" t-as="column" t-att-data-field="" t-att-title="column.label">                 </td>                 <td t-if="options.deletable" class="o_list_record_delete"/>             </tr>         </tfoot>     </table>     </t> </div> </template> 

add in

... 'qweb': [         "static/src/xml/colspan.xml",     ], ... 

that's it.

you can use colspan in field. in listview.


<tree>     <field name="any_field" colspan="2"/> </tree> 

try it.

i hope work you.


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