spring mvc - How to map List<Item> in POST method RequestMapping -

spring boot 1.5.4 need take list<orderto> in post method.


        @postmapping("/orderlist")         public string confirmorder(                 , @requestparam(name = "id", required = false) list<integer> idl                 , @requestparam(name = "selected", required = false) list<integer> selectedl                 , @requestparam(name = "typename", required = false) list<string> typenamel              //   ...another lists              // ,@modelattribute list<orderto> notwork         ) {             //        collect lists 

the best option found lists fields of class. maybe i'm missing something.


<form action="orderlist" method="post" id="catalogform">    <table class="table table-hover table-bordered table-striped table-condensed">         <tr>            <th><#--...--></th>         </tr>     <#list coffeetypelist type> <#--freemarker-->         <tr>             <td>                 <input type="hidden" name="id" value="${type.id}">                 <input type="checkbox" name="selected" value="${type.id}" >             </td>             <td><input type="hidden" name="typename" value="${type.typename}">${type.typename}</td>             <td><input type="hidden" name="price" value="${type.price}">${type.price} tgr</td>             <td><input type="number" size="3" name="quantity" min="0" step="1"/></td>         </tr>          <#--...-->     </#list>  <#--...-->  


public class orderto{  private int id;  private  string typename;  private  int quantity;  private  double price;  private boolean selected;   //+constructors +getters + setters 

is possible take list without additional collecting operations? how?

thanks shantaram_t direction of thought. key need wrapper class.

public class ordertowraper {      @valid     @notnull     private list<orderto> items; 

after that, valid ordertowraper object available controller:

@posttmapping("/orderlist")  public string confirmorder(@valid ordertowraper ordertowraper, bindingresult result, modelmap map) {   if (result.haserrors()) {   //... 

there few non-obvious moments list-binding using freerarker ( <@spring.forminput> not work)

<#list ordertowraper.items type>  <tr>    <td>    <@macros.textinputhidden "ordertowraper.items[${type_index}].id"/>    <input type="checkbox" name="items[${type_index}].selected" value="true">    </td>    <td><@macros.textinputhidden "ordertowraper.items[${type_index}].typename"/>${type.typename}</td>    <td><@macros.textinputhidden "ordertowraper.items[${type_index}].price"/>${type.price}</td>    <td><@macros.textinput "ordertowraper.items[${type_index}].quantity" "class='form-control'"/></td>    <td><@macros.showerrors "<br>" "text-danger"/></td>  </tr> </#list> 

and freemarker macro:

<#macro textinputhidden path>     <@spring.bind path/>     <#assign id="${spring.status.expression?replace('[','')?replace(']','')}"> <input type="hidden" id="${id}" name="${spring.status.expression}" value="${spring.stringstatusvalue}">     <#nested> </#macro> 


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