symfony - Reverse array in Twig -

i'm doing file explorer symfony 2.5 , php 5.3

in controller return array view (result of calling scandir(); on directory)

the array contains "months". (january, february, march...) , display in bootstrap accordion.

i want order descending array like:

december -> november -> october -> september ...

we can see {{ months in month|sort|reverse }} doesnt work here.

how can please?

you need sort array index, otherwise sort array alphabetically:

{% set months = {1: 'january', 2: 'february', 3: 'march', 4: 'april', 5: 'may', 6: 'june', 7: 'july', 8: 'august', 9: 'september', 10: 'october', 11: 'november', 12: 'december'} %}  {% month in months|reverse %}  {{ month }} {% endfor %} 


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